Category Archives: Alt Right

The Kek Wars, Part Three: Triumph of the Frog God

John Michael Greer writes: 4chan and all its offspring are venues for anonymous unmoderated talk, places where anything goes—the more offensive to the conventional wisdom, the better. Long before Trump announced his candidacy, the chans were already having a significant … Continue reading

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What is QAnon? Explaining the rightwing conspiracy theory (7-31-18)

MP3: * Vox Day. * From the Guardian: On 28 October 2017, “Q” emerged from the primordial swamp of the internet on the message board 4chan. In a thread called “Calm Before the Storm”, and in subsequent posts, Q … Continue reading

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‘How To Win A Race War’

Playwright Ian Allen writes in the New York Times: Among the many titles in the white supremacist canon, “The Turner Diaries” is the most important and one of the few titles recognized by mainstream Americans. Written by William Pierce, then-head … Continue reading

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Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25)

Listen here. Wikipedia: “The parashah tells of the blessings of obedience to God and the dangers of forgetting God, directions for taking the Land of Israel. Moses recalls the making and re-making of the Tablets of Stone, the incident of … Continue reading

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Forward: ‘Jewish Doctor Apologizes For White Nationalist Writings’

People shouldn’t put their names on writings they can’t stand behind. Don’t write checks that you can’t cash. Don’t talk like a tough guy if you can’t walk the walk. There are thousands of Orthodox Jews in America who basically … Continue reading

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