Category Archives: Alt Right

Pattern Recognition

* Birthing story * Nursing textbook story * Fairy Island * Three months with the Alt Right * Is it safe to be a Jew in NYC? * James Baldwin in 1967: Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They’re Anti-White "During the … Continue reading

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Three Months Inside Alt-Right New York

Jay Firestone writes: Max and I introduced ourselves as working-class Trump supporters. After five minutes of macho man talk about fistfights, truck driving, and laying heavy pipes, they were sold. I mentioned my connection to the Book Club, and in … Continue reading

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#100 10-31-18 Did Silicon Valley Buy Conservatism Inc?

00:00 The collapse of National Review after John O’Sullivan (1998) and Commentary magazine after Norman Podhoretz 18:00 David French says Steve King must be defeated 25:00 GOP scheme to pay women to falsely accuse Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct 38:00 … Continue reading

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White Genocide Is Real

00:00 Any validity to the white genocide meme? 27:00 Liberal Jews are playing with fire with their anti-Gentile bigotry 34:00 Elite rabbis lining up against hate speech, seeking speech censorship 38:00 Russian Jews are rarely liberal 45:00 Hot Russian women … Continue reading

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Civil War in American Judaism (10-29-18)

00:00 Jew vs Jew over Trump 25:00 is down as Big Tech tries to destroy site, 33:00 Taking the red pill drives many people over the edge, Paul Nehlen apparently snapped when John Podhoretz mocked him 45:00 James … Continue reading

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