Category Archives: Alt Right

Neo-Nazis worship Taylor Swift as an ‘Aryan Goddess’ who’s turning America on to fascism — here’s why

LINK: The rise of Donald Trump has been a major boost to the so-called “alt-right” faction of American conservatism that is basically a reheated form of neo-Nazism that happens to include a lot of anime memes. But while Trump is … Continue reading

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‘Trump’s Terrifying Online Brigades’

James Kirchick writes in Commentary magazine: If the alt-right does have an intellectual forbear, it is a 43-year-old computer programmer named Curtis Yarvin. Along with fellow “neo-reactionary” thinker Nick Land (a former lecturer at the University of Warwick), Yarvin is … Continue reading

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Goldberg: Horowitz Accusing Kristol of Not Being Fanatically Pro-Semitic Enough Proves That the Anti-Semitic Cossacks Are Ready to Ride

Steve Sailer writes: From Slate, a representative response to another thing that was the Biggest Story in the History of the World for about six hours earlier this week: Breitbart Calls Trump Foe “Renegade Jew.” This Is How Anti-Semitism Goes … Continue reading

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Jews On The Alt-Right

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I suspect a lot of the Jews ‘on our side’ just don’t make a lot of noise about being Jewish and do whatever else is required. Heck, Drudge has been beating the drum for Trump … Continue reading

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Should Jews Engage With The Alt-Right?

Rabbi Mayer Schiller said in 1999: “The State of Israel poses a problem for Jews living in the diaspora. A Jew living in America, France or England but yet somehow says I am an Israeli or a Zionist, that creates … Continue reading

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