Trump Meets Milo!

Vox Day: If this doesn’t make you happy – You’re probably not #AltRight



* As an Englishman, Milo must have realized he was shaking hands with the next Churchill.


* He may be a filthy degenerate race-mixing faggot jew, but he’s our filthy degenerate race-mixing faggot jew.

Pounded in the butt by my other butt’s cognitive dissonance!

* I love Milo. No homo.

He’s the king of kek, the rear admiral of rofl, the Shakespeare of shitlording.

I do hope President Trump makes him his press secretary to make America fabulous again.

* Aim fire left, brother.

This is not the homosexual you are looking for.

* I don’t shoot at my own sides while hiding behind my own sanctimony. If you wanna fight, there’s a whole internet out there that needs an ass kicking. Get on it. We’ll compare scalp piles at that corner bar in heaven.

* *shrug* If he’s a practicing fag, he’s a threat. I am not going to play tricks and pretend that a fag can ‘buy’ acceptance and immunity by being ‘on my side’. The only price one can pay is abstinence, or seeing if you are as good at defying the law of gravity as you are at defying the law of nature.

* Except Milo actively speaks against his own predilections, he discourages homosexuality, while being locked in its grip. Its a hypocrisy, yes, but hypocrisy is the vice closets to virtue, in the words of Chesterton. You need to pull that plank out of your eye and start using it as a sidearm. The work’s not done yet.

* Trump has a lot in common with Churchill’s personality, but I think the more apt comparison is Thatcher.

Thatcher smashed the moribund political consensus of postwar Britain and almost singlehandedly cast the Left – shrieking and howling in defeat – into the political outer darkness for a generation.

Her indomitable personality and populist appeal – which were *hated* by the grandees in her own party – gave her the strength to reshape the country into her own mould.

I think this election will prove a similar inflection point to Mrs Thatcher’s triumph in 1979.


* Milo has done more to push back the left in the last 6 months than so called “real conservatives” have done in the last 6 years.

Ironic, but true.

Rather than attacking Milo, we should be asking “why has he been succeeding while we have been failing?” Because, we on the right have been failing.

We can talk all day about winning the war the right way, but unless we actually win the war it will all be for naught. If you lose the war, it doesn’t matter how honorably you fought–you lost, and there is no gain in losing.

* Milo’s amazing, perhaps even more amazing than Trump himself, in this season of surprises. May God bless them both, and all who are participating in this sudden Awakening that I truly never dreamed I would see in my lifetime.


* I share your distaste for the sin of homosexuality, but Milo isn’t just aligning with the right on the anti feminist issue. He is fighting for the West, while having a personal sin. Just as Trump has his own personal sins and i have my own personal sins, it doesn’t mean you cut allies free. You’ll have an army of one if you look for ideological purity. Like it or not, he is a voice for the alt right, even if just one of the many branches of it. Even Jesus gathered whores and tax collectors, but they had to be willing to fight. So what have you been fighting recently, besides what you ostensibly claim to be your own side? Hell, I don’t even count my monetary damage in GG towards my current pile. That was a year ago, Its no longer valid.

The fact that you do not know much about his religious stance, characterized his talks as inserting himself into american politics, and have only focused on his identity should indicate to you that its time to abandon this argument and do your research.

* Badger – Extra point for trolling. I’ll take Milo any day because he fights. I don’t think he’s a lesser person because he’s gay or likes black dudes; if that’s his thing more power to him. He fights and he’s right with me.

How about this? I’m not arguing that you change your mind over Milo but I will ask that you pick someone on the left that is even more reprehensible to you and use that energy against that person. Same team, and all that….

* I am amazed at Milo. I despaired of anyone ever doing what he’s doing and he did it, walked right into the heart of the leftist nest of snakes and took them on. L’audace, l’audace et encore l’audace, toujours l’audace! He is enormously courageous. I was cheering when they carried him in in the chair, yes!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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