Category Archives: Alt Right by Joshua Seidel

From his “About Me” entry: My name is Joshua Seidel, and I’m a bit of an anomaly in the Jewish community. A true wanderer, I wasn’t born and didn’t grow up in typical “Jewish” circumstances. The small town and rural … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Racial realists’ are cheered by Trump’s latest strategy

Washington Post: OAKTON, Va. — Jared Taylor hits play and the first Donald Trump ad of the general election unfolds across his breakfast table. Syrian refugees streaming across a border. Hordes of immigrants, crowded onto trains. “Donald Trump’s America is … Continue reading

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Dilbert’s Scott Adams: Robert Cialdini Likely Advising Hillary Clinton

Joel Pollak writes: Cartoonist-turned-pundit Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, told Breitbart News in an interview on Sunday that the mysterious “Godzilla” of persuasion, to whom he ascribes Hillary Clinton’s polling success, is behavioral psychologist Robert Cialdini. Cialdini, who refers to … Continue reading

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Ben Shapiro Writes For WP: ‘The Breitbart alt-right just took over the GOP’

A friend says: Dear Luke, I don’t want to insult Ben Shapiro. Others have done a good job in exposing his pretentiousness. But for him to warn that the Alt Right will take over the GOP and banish true conservatism … Continue reading

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White supremacists using Twitter mentions to organize, recruit, and unify

Sociologist Philip Cohen writes for the Southern Policy Law Center: These are commented excerpts from a Twitter conversation I had with a bunch of Trump-supporting racists on August 15. It started with my complaining to Jesse Singal about a table … Continue reading

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