Hillary’s Alt-Right Speech

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* NBC’s First Read

What does the “Alt Right” mean?

At 3:00 pm ET, Hillary Clinton will deliver remarks from Reno, NV tying Donald Trump to the conservative ‘Alt Right” movement. But what does the Alt Right mean? We surveyed some Republicans and journalists and organizations who’ve observed the movement:

•The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel, who has written about the movement: “Conservatives opposed to the philosophy of ‘invade the world, invite the world.’”

* The anti-Alt-Right stuff by Hillary is not aimed at Jewish donors; Big Money including Jewish donors are hard for her already, figuring she’s the favorite. Don’t want to be left out in the cold not donating to the Clinton Foundation Stash for Cash Dash do we?

Its aimed at White women, White professional women in particular. Hillary! neither wants nor needs White men supporters. Like all “Mean Girls” her politics is aimed at excluding people and demonizing large segments of the population, not an inclusive spoils politics for everyone. She’s not a Happy Warrior; rather the nasty Witch of the East.

Her speech no doubt is aimed at painting Trump Male Supporters as icky, awful, “racist” beta males who no woman worth anything sexually or socially would have anything to do with. Its more “social status” messaging and is likely to be powerful. Heartiste detects some PUA guy helping her campaign and this seems part of it.

Face it, Hillary! being the personification of angry, man-hating Lesbianism is not going to get much in the way of White Male votes. But she is quite likely to get over 70% of the White female vote among the Professional classes the way things are going.

Trump better respond with “Hillary will provoke a War with Russia that gets young women drafted and killed” ad.

* The left has a hard time grasping the idea that there exists a bunch of internet Trolls without wealthy donors funding and organizing them. It would be hard to find someone big (rich) enough to point fingers at when taking on the aspect of the Alt-Right that drives the big shoe activists and media the most nuts. Can anyone actually see Hillary holding up some picture of a cartoon frog avatar with a bad pun for a name and calling them a public enemy? I think she will call Breitbart a hate site, give some choice quotes from there ‘bout the blacks, and focus on Trumps campaign manager running it while mean commentary happened. She could end it with a tearful recounting of the Ghostbusters black lady star being bullied and hacked though. Probably call for Trump to disavow his stained shirts on Twitter. I doubt we will see specific HBD nerds, pickup artists, discussion board dads and Trolls denounced beyond that Breitbart guy, so everyone needs to curb their enthusiasm that this is going to launch their hate career into the mainstream.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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