Category Archives: Alt Right

PBS: Bill Kristol’s Son-in-law Denounces “Alt-right” Nobodies Because They “Believe in Hierarchies”

Steve Sailer writes: … Continetti, like all respectable conservatives, hates the very idea of hierarchies. Look at how Continetti’s father-in-law, William Kristol, came up the hard way from the ground up without a privilege in the world, what with being … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Alt-Right Speech

Comments at Steve Sailer: * NBC’s First Read What does the “Alt Right” mean? At 3:00 pm ET, Hillary Clinton will deliver remarks from Reno, NV tying Donald Trump to the conservative ‘Alt Right” movement. But what does the Alt … Continue reading

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Hillary Will Denounce “Alt-right” on Thursday

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Don’t assume Hillary’s people haven’t focus-grouped extensively this new ploy of hers to pick out some Emmanuel Goldsteins for voters to hate. Hillary’s people usually know what they’re doing. * Clearly, the most unifying, utopian … Continue reading

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Is Steve Sailer The Godfather Of The Alt-Right?

Comments: * I’m wondering what reach [Richard] Spencer actually has given how much press he receives. Lawrence Auster laid into his site when it first came out, and it seemed to me that it would only have very narrow niche … Continue reading

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WP: The ‘race realist’ theory of how Trump can win, explained

David Weigel writes for the Washington Post: At VDare, a clearinghouse for immigration restrictionists, the news is not what happened in a meeting, but that the media keeps missing Trump’s passionate attacks on crime caused by undocumented immigrants. The alt-right, … Continue reading

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