Category Archives: Israel

Author, psychologist delves inside ‘The Israeli Mind’

Jonathan Kirsch writes: He describes how he witnessed a lighthearted conversation in a Jerusalem coffee shop between a graduate student and a young teacher about classroom cheating. “Well, if I caught a student cheating, I wouldn’t view it as a … Continue reading

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Israel & The Syrian Refugees

From Mondoweiss: Israel has refused to take a single refugee. Opposition leader Isaac Herzog called on Netanyahu’s hard-line right-wing government “to act toward receiving refugees from the war in Syria, in addition to the humanitarian efforts it is already making.” … Continue reading

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Free Beacon: New York Times Launches Congress ‘Jew Tracker’

I take it for granted that being Jewish is likely to predispose a politician to certain positions (generally siding with the coalition of the fringe against the core). Also, having Jewish constituents and Jewish funding will undoubtedly influence politicians. For … Continue reading

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British Jewish Leaders Unite Behind Subsidizing Illegal Immigration

There’s not a word in the following article about Israel. Apparently, it is fine with the Jewish elites of Britain for the Jewish state to act in its self-interest by not taking in Islamic migrants who hate it. Apparently, it … Continue reading

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Stereotyping While Waiting In Line At Ralphs

It was a mess at Ralphs this afternoon. As I waited in line, I noticed patterns. WASPs are the best behaved group. They are the best at waiting in line and they are the best, in general, in acting like … Continue reading

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