Category Archives: Israel

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Blasts ‘Spiritually Dangerous’ Christian Event in Jerusalem

From Haaretz: Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau and Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef say even though International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem are friends of Israel, the event undermines the state’s Jewish character. Why shouldn’t Gentile state argue that all sorts … Continue reading

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Above & Beyond

This Netflix documentary describes the founding of the Israeli Air Force by secular American young men looking for sex, adventure and to help their people. These men had only the weakest ties to Judaism and to the Jewish people, but … Continue reading

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The Israeli Mind: How the Israeli National Character Shapes Our World

By Alon Gratch: * [My father] started out working in an uncle’s appliance store, but business was so slow that pretty soon the uncle needed an out. He set the store on fire, collected insurance, and used that money to … Continue reading

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Realism and the Mearsheimer-Walt Theory of the Israel Lobby

Ilya Somin wrote in 2006: In this recent article, Martin Kramer of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy criticizes the famous John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt argument against the the US-Israel alliance from the standpoint of their own “realist” … Continue reading

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How Can Jews Remain Distinct But Alive In The Diaspora?

Rabbi Mayer Schiller said in 1999: “The State of Israel poses a problem for Jews living in the diaspora. A Jew living in America, France or England but yet somehow says I am an Israeli or a Zionist, that creates … Continue reading

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