Nationalism Vs Multiculturalism

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* “Seventy two years after Nazi Germany recruited Muslim refugees to serve as Waffen SS stormtroopers, memories still linger of the deadly combination of Teutonic fascism and military-age Muslim men.”

* Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration.

She, like so many Jews, say Europe cannot work or survive unless it goes multi-culti, but being small and nationalist seems to work for Israel.

* There are tons of non-Jewish whites calling for the exact same thing and tons of Jews calling for the exact same thing in Israel. The Jewish hypocrisy of ethnic sovereignty for me but not for thee is real but is small.

The bigger hypocrisy is the left-wing doctrine that every other major ethno-religious group are allowed to keep their ethnic identity and sovereignty except whites. This group should tone down the Jewish criticism on this front and focus on this broader hypocrisy which is more accurate and more easy to communicate.

* Australia and Israel were founded or settled by extra-hardy men.

Convicts and terrorist-refugees.

They know what it means to take. What you take can be taken away.

A thief is more aware that what is now ‘his’ can be stolen by someone else.

* Heed the voice crying in the wilderness, “Gradually, then suddenly!”

How did the Western Empire, the greatest legal, social, cultural and martial edifice the world has ever seen, fall? Gradually, then suddenly. How did Constantinople, the cultured, cosmopolitan jewel of the Earth, fall? Gradually, then suddenly.

The Austro-Hungarian empire and glorious, Classical Liberal Europe? Gradually, then suddenly.

The Soviet Union? Gradually, then suddenly.

Assad’s Syria? Gradually, then suddenly.

How did the only State in human history to explicitly found itself on Anglo-Saxon ideals of inalienable rights and lex rex fall? It uprooted Tradition. It enacted universal suffrage. It worshipped Mammon. It imported millions of people hostile to its ideals and its founding ethnic stock. Gradually, then suddenly.

It’s all over but the weeping.

* Steve’s image of Israel is a tad idealized. He probably has no idea what a bunch of idiots sit on the Israeli supreme court and how they thwart, at every turn, sensible measures against those Africans who got through before the fence was completed.

Nonetheless, Israel does have a fence, its Prime Minister is on the side of his people (even if not as forcefully as some would like), and the demographics are looking good. The way things are looking now, demographics will sooner compel France to uproot Christian settlers from St. Denis and Avignon, than Jewish settlers from Gush Etzion.

Of course it’ll be bad for Israel if Western Europe becomes Muslim (and thus hostile), but there’s a whole eastern half to Europe, and they’re not stupid the way the West is. Though I don’t for a moment want to minimize the world-historical tragedy western Europe’s suicide represents for civilized people, whatever our religion, everywhere.

* I’d say that was one hell of a damn good column: more ideas per words than anything of the sort that I can recall reading. A valiant effort to influence (or spark) the most important debate in America. On that note, I have faith that Steve is like Goethe’s Faust, and in time will be rewarded for ceaseless striving—(whatever his personal recognition among the “mainstream” may be or become).

But it occurs to me, and I’m sure I’m not the first it has, that the forces working against patriotic immigration reform may be built into the system. I’m thinking of public choice theory (which needs a new chapter on ethnic-interest lobbies). When Silicon Valley says America does not produce the number of computer engineers that their industry needs, the critics who say they are fibbing are few but moreover amorphous, and anyways won’t likely ever convince very many who matter that their knowledge of the industry’s detailed requirements surpasses that of the captains of that industry. So, in order to attenuate bullshit like the H1-B visa program, the proposal ought to be unionization of computer engineers, or whatever profession is threatened by nefarious capitalists advocating economic immigration. (Why is that never mentioned?)

By the same logic, instituting Buzz Mohawk’s elegant proposal presumes that there is a lobby that can stand taller than La Raza and the Muslim-American equivalent: a vested lobby for the Common Good. But the point is, the Common Good lobby has been in steady decline since 1789. Well, that’s why we have elections, you say, when politicians attuned to popular sentiment (roughly the common good) win against the ones who aren’t. Yet that won’t do, as it is obvious that presidential campaign promises mean nothing, because the US Congress is a parliament of whores, and it’s up to the whores to start the process of reform. Except, that is, for a form of reform as reticence, of that extra-legal maneuver the Executive Order, since we should assume The Dream Act was a seminal precedent. The use of Executive Orders should be raised as an essential issue in the news cycle concerning the next election, instead of merely vague rhetoric about Obama’s lack of respect for the Constitution. That way provides another proposal: make the Republican candidates sign one of those pledges, that delineates how they will and won’t use executive orders, or at least some statement of principles regarding their proper use. Then use it to bludgeon whoever won’t sign it from either party.

Or maybe abusing the Executive Order is exactly the way a more sensible immigration policy will come about.

* Maybe there’s a few European Jewish leaders–somewhere–expressing concern, but the overall message i hear from Jews remains the same old same old–multiculturalism and diversity precious sunshiny rainbows to be striven for and scary “xenophobia”, “far right”, “Nazi” boogeymen ever lurking about. Basically, it’s the eternal Jewish propaganda–no one–especially white Christians–is entitled to a nation; all nations must be open and penetrable by Jews.

The NYT is flogging that day and night–one Jew after another pompously pontificating–no matter how utterly ludicrous the argument. And as far as i can tell it’s the same message from every organ of the establishment (of cosmopolitan globalism) in Europe as well.


I started a recent European trip visiting a couple of family friends in Germany. First stop was in the Rhineland and two Saturday’s back we had a nice dinner with our hosts and a couple of their daughters and their families. The migrant issue was topic #1.

Our host basically thought there was no German democracy. That it was a joke. His wife mentioned how she’d expressed skeptical thoughts to a friend in the market and her friend had said she thought the same but was afraid to say anything. Then another woman came up and said the same–she was against this but was afraid to say anything. More women jumped into the discussion saying the same.

One of our hosts’ daughters–who’d had a crush on me when she was about four and i was much younger and handsomer (and not yet a dad)–wondered why Jewish leaders didn’t speak up as this can’t be good for them and they are the one group no one can label as “Nazis”. (I had to explain it to her–anti-nationalism uber alles.)

As far as i can tell, Jews–at least at the leadership level–would rather European civilization be run into the ground, then speak up and say “well maybe people really are entitled to have their own nations”.

* A few thoughts from a resident of Vienna.

1. The Freedom Party actually is the direct historical descendant of the Austrian NSDAP, hard to deny that. Most of the hard core party members are very anti-Semitic in private, and Jews distrust them with good reason. That said, they long ago dumped most of the true Nazi ideological baggage. There is not much “pan-German”sentiment, there is very little revanchism other than maybe a desire to reclaim South Tirol. If you remove the mission of putting the German people at the center of history from Nazism, then you no longer have Nazis, just provincial middle class people looking to preserve their traditional life style and keep outsiders at bay. Strache is a congenial guy and certainly no Hitler. Unfortunately, like a lot of the far right in Europe (Berlusconi, Putin, etc.) the FPÖ leadership is incredibly corrupt and seems more concerned with enriching themselves and their friends than actually preserving Austrian culture. The FPÖ ran the province of Carinthia for years and it was a fiscal disaster. Of course, the other parties are corrupt as hell as well. In Austria personal interest tends to trump ideology most of the time, it is very much like Italy in that way.

2. For that matter, Austrians are still pretty anti-Semitic in general, especially in private. A real danger that Austria faces is that radical Islam is a fairly congenial ideology for Austrian misfits on the edge of society. ISIS has had success recruiting native Austrians, as well as Bosnian immigrants into their ranks already. And the number of Jews in Vienna is actually growing, mostly due to Jews from the former USSR.

3. The Freedom Party’s message has not been nearly as overtly “anti-Islam” as the NYT claims. Strache is campaigning mostly against too much immigration in general, and too much welfare spending on people who don’t deserve it. Fairly standard conservative messages that the “respectable” conservatives – the ÖVP – have abandoned, to their shame. Austria is a small parochial country. Most Austrians don’t even want Orthodox Christian immigrants. Hell, a lot of native Austrians don’t even like Germans.


Encouraged by generous laws encouraging them to immigrate, which have only now ended after Israeli lobbying, Jews from the former Soviet Union have flooded into Germany.

Berlin is a far more pleasant place to live than Syria, or Israel. Moreover, when there are anti-Semitic attacks by immigrants in Germany it will be blamed as the killing of Jews in France has been, on European anti-Semitism Antisemitism is European in origin, and alien to Islam, so Muslim immigrants have been infected by the European virus of hate, and it is still a probem that Europeans are responsible for.

For example The WSJ The Return of Anti-Semitism says

Anti-Semitism entered Islam from the outside, in the form of two classic … carried by the very cultures that Europe itself infected with the virus […] Anti-Semitism has existed for a very long time. One critical moment came around the end of the 1st century C.E., when the Gospel of John attributed to Jesus these words about the Jews: “You belong to your father, the Devil.” From being the children of Abraham, Jews had been transformed into the children of Satan.[…] Crusaders, on their way to “liberate” the holy city of Jerusalem, paused to massacre Jewish communities in Northern Europe, in Cologne, Worms and Mainz. Thousands died. Many Jews committed suicide rather than submit to the mob and forcible conversion to Christianity. It was a traumatizing moment for European Jewry—and the portent of worse to come. […] Despite what some intemperate voices claim, anti-Semitism has no genuine provenance within Islam. The historian Bernard Lewis drew a wry distinction: Islam has traditionally had contempt for the Jews, he said, not hate—adding, “From contempt you don’t die. From hate you do.” Anti-Semitism entered Islam from the outside, in the form of two classic myths imported from Europe. […] Tragically, Europe, having largely cured itself of anti-Semitism, now finds it returning, carried by the very cultures that Europe itself infected with the virus.

Re. “the Serbian Christian Orthodox” — about 100,000 people here — “are his allies against the Turks”. Germany has announced Serbs etc will be immediately returned to Bosnia. Germany’s leadership wants non Europeans, Muslim if possible. the greens and the left will back keeping Serbs out so more non European Muslims can be admitted to Germany.

* “….for putting refugees on trains that led them not west to Austria, but to a camp in Hungary. This, said Chancellor Werner Faymann, a Social Democrat, “brings up memories of our Continent’s darkest period.”

This is the second time in recent weeks that some European politician has compared putting immigrants on trains to the historic one way ticket to the labor/death camps. Is this really an apt comparison? One group really didn’t want to be herded onto rail cars and would rather have been anywhere else, while the other is clamoring loudly for passage and eagerly looking forwards to life at the other end of the ride. Something is amiss here. This type of offhanded comparison seems to trivialize the experience of the people who died in WW2.

* There is a fairly common complaint that the reason the “extreme” parties are gaining support is that the lamestream parties won’t address immigration. Those who are spouting that line need to open a dictionary and look up “tautology.” Any lamestream party or figure that actually does address immigration will be said to be extreme, far-right, Nazis.

The only way possible for that not to be tautological is if “address immigration” in this case means the lamestream party floating enough immigration restriction rhetoric to co-opt the growth of the “extreme” party that actually wants to do immigration restriction, but do it only up to election day, then forget about it the day after.

* You don’t seem to understand that Zionists are fully in favour of Muslim immigration into the West.

This is because, with Israel completely surrounded by tens of millions of Muslims who have a passionate hatred for the Jewish state, their only viable strategy is to promote a sharp antagonistic division between the West/Israel on the one side and the Muslim world on the other. They can then use the West’s military and economic strength against Israel’s enemies.

Muslim immigration into the West furthers this cause by creating hostility between the native whites and the invading Muslims.

Zionists are perfectly happy to see the West degraded, even though this effects Jews living in the West, so long as they believe Israel’s interests are advanced.

* many jews look at moorish spain as their ‘golden age’ (never mind it wasn’t so golden for Christians) as spengler noted, they are psychologically more comfortable with muslims than Christians.

Lastly, they fear homogenous europeans, – northern europeans in particular – far more than they fear muslims – and if you look at the track record of jews in say, New York City – they are far more hostile to Christianity than Islam.

* One awkward fact is that the most anti-immigration parties in Europe really are the direct lineal descendants of some really nasty organizations – fascists, WW2 era collaborators, poujadists and the like. They happen to be correct on this particular issue. People are complicated.

* Of all the rhetorical means by which the Left polices dissent (e.g., accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.), the accusation of Nazism is by far the most potent. No decent person wants to be called that, for obvious reasons.

And yet, this sort of article makes you wonder why you should bother to dispute even that dreaded label. If it’s “Nazi” to want to preserve a country’s people and culture for future generations, then I guess most of us here are “Nazis.” If kicking out people who broke into your country is “ethnic cleansing,” then I guess we’re for “ethnic cleansing.” Fine, whatever. Guilty as charged.

Now, I think it’s ridiculous to paint immigration restrictionism as Nazism, especially when, as Steve points out, it’s the migrants themselves who are more likely to commit violence against Jews or subscribe to an aggressive, supremacist ideology. From a historical perspective, projecting Nazism onto current affairs is about as meaningful as applying the label of “Bonapartist” or “Roundhead.” From a personal perspective, I’m afraid I wouldn’t make a very good Nazi, being only marginally whitish and liking the Jews that I know. The Party would take away my streng geheim fascist decoder ring.

Even so, I just don’t care anymore what the Left calls us. I don’t care what -isms or -ologies the Left cares to attribute to our views. What does it say when even the worst slur in the Leftist lexicon is losing its censorious moral force for me? Moreover, I have the vague feeling that a lot of people on the Right are reaching this point, especially young people.

I think and hope that the “cuckservative” meme portends such an impending defection of conservatives from the Cathedral. The power of the “cuckservative” put-down lies in the contempt it connotes for the acceptance of your adversary’s values system. Such acceptance, of course, presently characterizes much of the mainstream Right.

Cultural power is a funny thing, though. It’s extremely effective at molding public opinion, until it isn’t. Someday the Left will deploy the full force of its shaming, propaganda, and bullying, and we’ll all just shrug and say, “Call us whatever you want. Go f*** yourselves.” Only when we answer to our own consciences as to what is good, true, and moral will we enjoy self-determination again.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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