Category Archives: Israel

The Case For Visiting Israel During A Time Of Terror

Dennis Prager writes Nov. 10, 2015: JERUSALEM — I want to explain why I am in Israel. I am in here with 450 American (and a German and a Canadian) listeners to my radio show. About 400 are non-Jews. We … Continue reading

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Israel & Assad

Comments: “Israel had no problem with Assad except when he was acting as Iran’s errand boy. The border with Syria has been quiet with 30+ years. A stable dictatorship is good to work with – they are a known quantity … Continue reading

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SWC’s R. Marvin Hier Uses Tired Holocaust Analogy With Syrian Refugees

This Los Angeles Times article quotes nobody opposed to America taking in more Syrian refugees. It does not mention the moral imperative for the Jewish state to take in Muslims who hate it. How come only Gentile countries have to? … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Jonathan Pollard, all-around terrible person

Steve Sailer writes in 2014: It’s testament to the power of insisting upon your version of The Narrative over and over that easily looked-up facts about the traitor Jonathan Pollard can simply be ignored. For example, rather than being an … Continue reading

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Life After Leaving Israel’s Ultra Orthodox Jewish Communities

VICE: Growing up as one of 12 siblings in the remote ultra-Orthodox Jewish community of Tifrach in Israel, Bar Mayer never touched a boy, went to the movies, or revealed the skin below her collarbones. When she was 17 years … Continue reading

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