Category Archives: Israel

Is this the end of Israel’s war in Gaza? (11-23-23)

01:00 Life is a spiral staircase, If books could kill podcast, John Mearsheimer: U.S. Welcome China Playing a Major Role. Will Russia & China intervene in Gaza?, Richard Spencer predicts that Trump will win in 2024, 35:00 … Continue reading

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Behind The Staff Revolt At That Pro-Israel Cafe

I’ve noticed that when I start publicly advocating something, I rarely set off an inevitable chain reaction in furtherance of my stated goals. Instead, I usually force people to react to me, and just as often as not, they’re going … Continue reading

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Ukraine Loses, US Gets Friendly With China (11-12-23)

01:00 John Mearsheimer: The US military has overextended itself, Alexander Mercouris, Ukraine War is Finished, China takes advantage of US over-extension1:01:00 Gavin Newsome selling off California to China, Why do players still drop the ball before … Continue reading

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Historian J. Otto Pohl on the Middle East Conflict (11-6-23)

01:00 Who benefits from the Hamas v Israel conflict?03:00 How much does Russia benefit?05:00 How much does Iran benefit?08:00 Who are the most eloquent spokesmen for the Palestinians? 46:20 Azerbijan ethnically cleansed 120,000 Armenians 1:00:00 Working as a school teacher … Continue reading

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I talk to Matt aka ‘History Speaks’ about the Middle East Conflict (11-5-23)

01:00 My guest for 2.5 hours is a pro-Palestine PhD student in History, John J. Mearsheimer on America’s Russaphobia, Is diplomacy possible in the Hamas-Israeli war? Prof. John Mearsheimer, Dehumanizing Palestinians provides a rationale for occupying Palestinians3:22:00 … Continue reading

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