Category Archives: Israel

Israeli Hotline Attacks Mixed Marriages

Daily Mail: Racist extremists who set up a ‘hotline’ to inform on Jews in a relationship with ‘Arabs’ and who targeted Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are openly peddling hate and violence – but the Israeli government won’t act. Lehava, a … Continue reading

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Haaretz: Israel Becoming a ‘Refuge for Pedophiles,’ Warns Advocate for Child Sex Abuse Victims

Chaim Amalek writes: “When Moshiach comes any ‘journalist’ who dares publish such a story where goyim might see it will be torn apart by packs of wild dogs.” From Haaretz: Israel has become a safe haven for Jewish pedophiles from … Continue reading

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GOP Candidates’ Speeches to AIPAC

Steve Sailer writes: “At AIPAC earlier today, Hillary denounced Trump for not being wholly in Israel’s pocket.” Comments: * Reaction to what Trump said in his Washington presser – the headline at Israel Hayom (Sheldon Adelson’s paper): “Trump promises to … Continue reading

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Ethiopians March In Jerusalem Over Aliya Stoppage

REPORT: Jerusalem – Activists demonstrated against a recent government decision to restrict Ethiopian immigration on Sunday, marching from the capital’s International Convention Center to the Prime Minister’s Office where they held a protest. At issue is the government’s announcement earlier … Continue reading

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Meet the Israelis praying for a Trump win

Los Angeles Times: Trump was sent to us by God,” said Michael Yigal Mimon, a former intelligence officer in the Israeli army who proudly counts himself among a growing number of Donald Trump supporters in Israel. Like the United States, … Continue reading

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