James Petras On Jewish Power

James Petras is a retired professor of sociology, and a left-wing expert on Latin America.

According to Wikipedia:

In a 2006 article entitled “9/11 Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Still Abound,” the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) criticized Petras’s assertion that there was evidence that Israelis may have known about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks but withheld the information from the United States government. The ADL also noted Petras’ assertion that “The lack of any public statement concerning Israel’s possible knowledge of 9/11 is indicative of the vast, ubiquitous and aggressive nature of its powerful diaspora supporters.”[11][12]

In a 2009 article, the ADL again criticized Petras, alleging that he blamed the ongoing economic crisis on “Zionist” control over the U.S. government and world events, and alleged that Petras argued that pro-Israel Americans had launched a massive campaign to push the U.S. into a war with Iran. The ADL also alleged that Petras’ allegations included the anti-Semitic accusation that the American Jewish community controls the mass media and is “bloodthirsty” in its appetite for war.[13] The previous year, Petras alleged that that “It was the massive infusion of financial contributions that allowed the [Zionist Power Configuration] (ZPC) to vastly expand the number of full-time functionaries, influence peddlers and electoral contributors that magnified their power – especially in promoting US Middle East wars, lopsided free trade agreements (in favor of Israel) and unquestioned backing of Israeli aggression against Lebanon, Syria and Palestine…No economic recovery is possible now or in the foreseeable future…while Zionist power brokers dictate US Mideast policies.[14][15]

The ADL also cited a 2008 interview in which Petras stated that [U.S.] presidents are at the disposal of “Jewish power” [16] and maintained that Jews represent “the greatest threat to world peace and humanity.”[17] In the same 2008 interview cited by the ADL, Petras stated that “it’s one of the great tragedies that we have a minority that represents less than 2% of North American’s population but has such power in the communications media” and that the reason “why the North American public doesn’t react against the manipulations of this minority…[is] because the Jews control the communications media.”[18] In an 2010 article published in the Arab American News, Petras stated that “For the U.S. mass media the problem is not Israeli state terror, but how to manipulate and disarm the outrage of the international community. To that end the entire Zionist power configuration has a reliable ally in the Zionized Obama White House and U.S. Congress.”[19]

If discussion of Jewish power is marginalized, then only marginal people will discuss Jewish power.

I know Jews tend to be concerned about the number of Jews on the Supreme Court. Growing up as a Protestant, I never heard any discussion of the number of Protestants on the Supreme Court. It wasn’t a concern I remember.

Growing up as a Protestant, I don’t recall much concern about the reach and extent of Protestant power. By contrast, when I converted to Judaism, I joined a tribe that was in it to win it.

James Petras writes March 26, 2016:

The Rise of the Jewish Policy Elite: Meritocracy, Myth and Power

Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court marks a continuation and deepening of the lopsided ethno-religious representation in the US judicial system. If Garland is appointed, Jewish justices will comprise 45% of the Court, even though they represent less than 2% of the overall population.

Roman Catholics comprise the other 55% of the Court – even though they represent approximately 30% of the population. Protestants (historically the authors and signers of the country’s foundational documents, and the major confessional group) are totally absent from this august body of jurists.

Equally important the increasing power of Jewish justices on the Supreme Court is accelerating: Counting Garland, two of the last three appointments (67%) have been Jews.

In the first half of the 20th century in the US, progressive Jews and civil libertarians decried what they termed WASP (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant) exclusivity, privilege and discrimination, citing their domination of the Supreme Court and their ‘over-representation’ throughout the elite centers of power. Having totally displaced and replaced the dreaded WASPS, there is nary a word from the plethora of civil rights groups and Jewish organizations claiming to be concerned with issues of discrimination and exclusion. Perhaps the marginalized WASP population lacks any qualified jurists among their scores of millions, an ethno-cultural degeneration unique in US history or perhaps the last few WASPs appointed to the Supreme Court turned out to be among the most ardent and independent defenders of citizen rights, to the chagrin of numerous Administrations.

Nevertheless, if a rare individual should dare to raise the issue of nepotism and the exercise of narrow political considerations in the choice of Supreme Court nominees, the factious response is that ‘it’s all about merit’. Meaning, among the thousands of WASP graduates of the top law schools with academic awards and publications in prestigious journals, no qualified candidate can be found to address this lack of representation.

But scholarship and originality may not be of much merit: A brief perusal of the legal publications of Elena Kagan and Merrick Garland reveals meager, mediocre and pedestrian articles and monographs. In the case of Kagan, her rise to power was facilitated by her relationship with the former (and heartily voted out of office) Harvard President ‘Larry’ Summers, who appointed her Dean of the Law School despite her lack of quality publications. Summers, as Harvard President, led a raucous and bullying campaign against any academic critics Israeli policies during his abruptly abbreviated tenure in office.

Clearly the problem of ethno-religious nepotism is not confined to Jews, it was an abuse practiced by WASP elites and others before them. Nor does such nepotism benefit the average wage and salaried Jews, who have to struggle side-by-side with their Gentile compatriots to make a living and exercise their rights.

However, nepotism or ethno-religious favoritism has become an acute problem now when exclusive control of the Supreme Court compounds the growing problems of abuse in other spheres of the power structure – political, economic and mass communications. This imbalance has profound repercussions on everything from US overseas wars of aggression to the everyday struggle of Americans faced with deepening inequalities and the shredding of the social contract.

Historically, and particularly among progressive and leftist critics, what was referred to as the “Jewish Problem” was a multifaceted issue that revolved around the persecution of resident Jews by anti-Semitic regimes and within Christian majority cultures. Various solutions included the granting of citizenship rights following the French Revolution, socio-cultural assimilation, the development of socialism or separation and re-settlement in Palestine through the Zionist movement. Today the major issue has turned into an ‘American Problem’: how a powerful ethno-religious elite can use its multi-faceted power to secure (and create) strategic positions in the state while excluding contenders, repressing critics and actively promoting policies in the interest of a foreign state, Israel.

Not all Jewish appointees and elected officials explicitly follow the extremist position of the most aggressive Zionist organizations, especially the self-styled ‘Presidents of the Major American (sic) Jewish Organizations’ . . . but… nor do they openly object to Israeli-First activities or try to block them – for fear of ostracism and retribution – with the calumny of ’self-hating Jew’ unlikely to promote one’s career or social life.

…Dr. Paul Wolfowitz received his BA from Cornell and PhD from the University of Chicago. In the 1980’s, early in his government career he temporarily lost security clearance for having passed confidential documents to Israeli agents. Despite this ‘youthful indiscretion’ (or act of treason), Wolfowitz became Deputy Defense Secretary under President George W. Bush (2001-2005). In this position, he was one of the earliest and most forceful advocates for military interventions against Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Libya. He persuaded the American Congress and the Bush Administration that the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq would be short and self-financing. He glowingly predicted that the wars would ‘pay for themselves’ in terms of looted natural resources and ‘re-construction’ contracts. In fact, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost tens of thousands of US military casualties, over a trillion dollars in military expenditures and they continue over 13 years (Iraq), and 15 years (Afghanistan) with no end in sight but completely devastated societies spewing millions of refugees and thousands of terrorists.

Equally luminous in academic credentials, the third of the ‘Israel-First Troika’, Douglas Feith received his BA from Harvard (magna cum laude), and JD (magna cum laude). He worked closely with Israeli intelligence officials fabricating out of whole cloth the myth of Saddam’s quest for ‘yellow cake’ uranium to construct Iraqi nuclear weapons of mass destruction pushing the US into war against Iraq.

Feith set up a cozy nest at the Pentagon, the ‘Office of Special Plans’ (OSP), which served as a base of operations for Israeli operatives. One thoroughly disgusted former Pentagon official described the flow of Israeli officials in and out of OSP as resembling ‘a brothel on Saturday night’.

One of Feith’s crowning achievements was the destruction of the Iraqi Baath Party and administrative apparatus, which included the entire police force, the army and public administration, education, and even the huge public health system. Virtually all qualified Iraqi officials were either fired or ‘disappeared’. The result was the total breakdown of essential services, the pillage of the national and historic patrimony and decimation of civil and secular Iraqi society. Even the most fabulous archeological treasures of Mesopotamia were destroyed or looted for American and European collectors. Feith’s level of meddling and disastrous policies led the colorful US General Tommy Franks to describe the Harvard ‘JD’ as “the dumbest fucking guy on the planet”.

Hovering on the periphery of the ‘Troika’ was the ‘mysterious’, veteran manipulator, Richard Perle. With his BA from the University of Southern California and MA from Princeton (and no military experience), Perle was qualified to push for serial US wars on Israel’s behalf, starting with Iraq and moving on to all other countries which had traditionally supported the rights of the Palestinian people. He was a key member of the US Defense Policy Board under the Bush Administration and the front ideologue for invading Iraq. His second ‘job’ was strategic adviser to Israeli Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Benyamin Netanyahu. Perle pushed for US military intervention to effect ‘regime change’ in Syria and Iran as well as Libya…

Ross’ partner, Martin Indyk received his PhD from the Australian National University and served as Deputy Research Director and co-founder of AIPAC (1982-85). This, the most powerful lobby in Washington, serves exclusively as a political fifth column for the Israeli Foreign Office. Indyk was founding Director of the Washington Institute of Near East Policy (WINEP), a barnyard of ideological propagandists for Israel. When President Clinton appointed (the Australian, Israeli, US citizen) ‘Marty’ Indyk as US Ambassador to Israel, serious questions came up about his transfers of confidential documents to Israel. He thus became the first Ambassador stripped of security clearance. Israel Lobby pressures led to reinstated security clearance for Indyk who was subsequently named Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. As a mouthpiece for Israel’s interests, Indyk has pushed to ‘contain’ Iraq (through bombing) and Iran (through economic sanctions).

…Throughout his career, Indyk sabotaged peace negotiation between Israel and Palestine and he undermined any early diplomatic resolution of the Iraq-US conflict, which might have prevented the disastrous war. His meddling on Israel’s behalf has cost the US treasury hundreds of billions of dollars in lost trade with Iran. Despite his clear record of ’service to Israel’ and ‘disservice to the US’, President Obama appointed Indyk as US (sic) Special Envoy for Israel-Palestine Negotiations (2013-2014).

There’s nothing unique or nefarious in the Jewish belief in Chosenness. Every people see themselves as fulfilling special role in the universe, that they belong to the chosen.

In a 2006 lecture, Tom Wolfe said: “Each individual adopts a set of values which, if truly absolute in the world – so ordained by some almighty force – would make not that individual but his group…the best of all possible groups, the best of all inner circles.”

Comments posted to James Petras:

* In the religion of Judiasm, the concept of the Jewish people being ‘chosen’ does not mean chosen for special favors or “destined to prevail over the inferior ‘others’” as the article contends. Rather it means chosen for a burden, that of maintaining the Covenant and the ten commandments.

Also Larry Summers was not controversial because he ‘oppressed’ the banal and repetitive anti-Zionism among left-wing faculty. He was controversial because he made the entirely reasonable suggestion that men and women might differ somewhat on average in inherent scientific ability and interest and that could explain the supposed gender disparity at the highest end.

* “Jews have a mission to elevate the world morally and spiritually . . to take responsibility to teach the world values — spiritual values, ethical values . . ..Jews are chosen by God to be the moral leaders of the world . . . To teach the world how to behave ethically . . .” Rabbi Ken Spiro, AISH.org

* However if we consider their foreign policies in the alternative terms of Israel’s political, economic and military interests, they regain their ’summa cum laudes’! They have been well rewarded for their services: The war against Iraq destroyed an opponent of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The systematic destruction of the Iraqi civil society and state has eliminated any possibility of Iraq recovering as a modern secular, multi-ethnic, multi-confessional state. Here, Israel made a major advance toward unopposed regional military dominance without losing a soldier or spending a shekel! The Iran sanctions authored and pushed by Levey and Cohen served to undermine another regional foe of Israeli land grabs in the West Bank even if it cost the US hundreds of billions in lost profits, markets and oil investments.

* There is an Israel-first coterie that has managed to insert itself into the power and policy structure. You can’t blame people for doing what they think is to their own advantage, when buttressed by survival paranoia. The Holocaust plays large in the psychology of this – whatever it takes, never again. And Americans are famous for thinking if something is worth doing, it is worth overdoing.

Now probably these neocons are beyond reformation. But the policies of excess not only don’t serve the interests of most Americans, in the long run, they aren’t “good for the Jews” either. It would be tragic if the over-the-top behavior of a certain number of elitists caused such systemic failure and devastation that an entire ethnic and religious group were scapegoated for their crimes. It wouldn’t be the first time that an elite leadership betrayed the interests of its own people, as the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem revealed occurred all too often – an historical circumstance of treason that Hannah Arendt called a most tragic aspect.

One should note it’s not just the Jewish one per cent betraying the country’s interests, it’s the one per cent of all ethnicities allied by class, extreme wealth and their donorist proprietorship who are betraying all American constituencies outside their own. Unions have gone all wobbly and fallen over, but the capitalists of the world have united.

* “Merit” is a hopelessly subjective criterion, which can be twisted to mean anything that a particular person or group desires.

As far as I can see, it may be highly correlated with the kind of practical intelligence that allows an individual to understand “on what side his bread is buttered”. In other words, those people who are said to have “merit” tend to be those who “go along to get along”.

* David Cohen is not the Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence within the US Treasury Department, he’s been promoted to being #2 at the CIA.

Adam Szubin is now the Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence within the US Treasury Department.

That the FED would hire the former head of the Bank of Israel to be #2 is troubling. Where does Fisher loyalties really lie or can I ask that question w/o getting slammed or deleted?

* Petras is a third rate sociologist who owes his education and career to affirmative action and lefty Jewish professors who sheltered and advanced him beyond his capabilities.

It’s ironic that he would now be bashing alleged unfair Jewish advantages in government and academia.

* One of the truly astonishing facts of the 2016 presidential campaign is the incredible degree of Jewish influence. Obviously, there is Brooklyn socialist Jew Bernie Sanders, but he isn’t going to win. Neither will Cruz. That leaves Hillary, whose daughter is married to a Jew, and Trump, whose daughter is ALSO married to a Jew.

Now, what’s the sheer mathematical probability that, totally at random, three out of the leading four candidates have strong pro-Jewish ties, and that BOTH of the likely presidential candidates have families that intermarried with Jewry, that 45% of the Supreme Court will be Jewish, that 100% of the Federal Reserve chairs for the past 30 years straight have been Jewish, that Secretaries of the Treasury in the past 20 years include Paulson, Geithner, Summers, Lew and Rubin? That the entire Clinton foreign policy apparatus — Albright, Wesley Clarke, William Cohen, and Samuel Berger — was Jewish?

The idea that “Jewish control” of America is some kind of crackpot theory is in itself ridiculous. The evidence is so overwhelming that you’re a crackpot if you believe that the Jews DON’T control America.

* Israel already had conventional dominance, and nuclear weapons as a further guarantee. It is only neocons who live in the US who thought Iraq was a threat worth taking out. Israel could and would use nuclear weapons if it was in genuine peril. The neocons gained from the destruction of Iraq, but Israel didn’t.

* Israel has had a long-term strategy to break up the ME into warring factions and encourages this in Syria. Israeli generals and politicians were all for the U.S. invading Iraq. AIPAC and the neocons are just sock puppets of the Likud in Israel. The Israeli Yinon Plan is an example of their goals to breakup the ME so they can expand to a Greater Israel. The zionist’s German brethren called it lebensraum.

And just because they have nukes doesn’t mean that they dare use them unless there is an imminent treat to Israel’s destruction, which is not even remotely possible with their current military strength.

* Brilliant analysis, I suppose they built a wall to keep the Arabs imprisoned inside Israel, and the Zionists now want to conquer more territory with 50 million more crazy Arabs and then build another wall to keep them inside Israel-on-the-Euphrates maybe. Israel could do that if it wanted, because the Arabs are military weak and always will be.

The wall on the west bank is far back from the border in many places, and Israel has already withdrawn from Gaza. Iraq was supporting the West Bank Arabs and so does Iran , that is the kernel of truth in what you say. The Arabs inside the West Bank are politically strong and left where they are they will inevitably lead to a choice between full rights and Apartheid which will spell the end of Israel as a Jewish state. The neocons dare not propose the solution, because they are not really interested in Israel, being focussed on sanctimonious critiques of the West, and meaningless US military adventurism that cannot save Israel from a political doom.

* Abrams and the other Neo’s such as Perle were part of the Reagan’s anti-Communist coalition. doubtless for their own reasons. But as Pat Buchanan said, “Reagan used the neocons. The Neocons went on to use Bush.” We can now see that letting these conniving tribal scoundrels into the tent was serious mistake. Perhaps their mass migration back to the Democrats will help make a no-neo zone on the right possible. We can only hope.

* JTA 2010:

Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter.

Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.

“With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

* My overall impression, after reading both the article and the following comments is extreme pessimism.This is because people still don’t seem know the exact reasons why Jews were expelled from all those countries in the past. These people must think that these expulsions were simply the result of Christian, religious based, anti semitism.

If these very same readers would go to the effort of buying E. Michael Jones’ monumental opus The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit they would quickly come to the conclusion that Jews were expelled, time after time, after having simply wreaked financial pillage on the communities they inhabited.

A couple of examples (out of many):

1) Jews were forced out of England in 1290, but not because any animosity on the part of King John. In fact, he wanted them to stay because they made so much money for him. They did this by getting him to require licenses for various activities (taverns, brothels, tax collecting, certain trades) and ignoring the usurious loaning of money that was forbidden by the church. Only Jews had to financial resources, to buy these licenses which King John apparently profited handsomely from. of. These licenses ended up being nothing more than a frontal attack on the nascent English, middle class, gentile merchants.

When the English aristocracy, which had started to succumb to usurious loans, demanded that Jews be exiled, King John required the aristocrats to come up enough money to compensate him for the money he would lose for exiling these Jews. After much research, I found that the amount he demanded (and got) was around 250,000 pounds (of silver), an absolutely astounding amount when you consider that only 2,000 Jews lived in England at the time and a person could apparently live a middle class existence on 5 to 7 pounds a year. This meant that every Jew was worth approximately 1000 pounds to King John. (the equivalent of the living expenses for a year of 200 people. )

2) Jews in pre Partition Poland (before 1772)had become so powerful that they had mercenary armies more powerful than the civil authorities. Jews even had what amounted to an entirely autonomous country within Poland. It had become so bad for Polish peasants that a Jew could kill one of them without any repercussions, (much as is the case of Palestinians in Palestine today.) Jews reached this level of power much as they did in England up until 1290: by getting the monarchy to issue licenses for various activities that only Jews, because of their ability to pool money, were only capable of buying. Again, these licenses gave them rights over taverns, brothels, certain trades, and the ignoring laws about the the usurious loaning of money at interest.

The most flagrant example of this manipulation were the so called “arendarships” which were contracts to manage the properties of the aristocracy. Again, only Jews were capable of bidding on these arendarship because of the ability to pool their money. Arendarships were supposedly sold at public auctions but the bids were fixed beforehand because the Talmud apparently forbid Jews from bidding against each other in public auctions with gentiles. These sort of arrangements resulted in the horrendous exploitation of Polish peasant because the peasant were no longer working under the restraints imposed on the gentile aristocrats by the Catholic Church. It wasn’t just rich Jews who were involved in such exploitation. It has been estimated that at one time 85-95% percent of Jews had financial shares in various arendarships.

During this era the gentile middle class virtually disappeared in Poland because they simply couldn’t compete with of the financial manipulation of monopolies controlled by the Jews. It got so bad that even the Catholic Church itself started turning over the control of its properties to the Jewish “arendars” because of the increased profits that resulted.

The Russian czar specifically attempted to end such exploitation of Polish gentiles after The First Partition by forcing Jews into The Pale of Settlement. The Jews never forgave the czar for this and their continuing grievances were made apparent in the overthrow of the czar in 1917.

Is this sort of economic warfare now taking place in the USA. Yes, under its latest terminology called hedge funds.

* “Senator McGovern is very sincere when he says that he will try to cut the military budget by 30%. And this is to drive a knife in the heart of Israel… Jews don’t like big military budgets. But it is now an interest of the Jews to have a large and powerful military establishment in the United States… American Jews who care about the survival of the state of Israel have to say, no, we don’t want to cut the military budget, it is important to keep that military budget big, so that we can defend Israel.” (Irving Kristol)

* One of the most astonishing accomplishments of the Judeoists is to have enforced on the whole of western civilization the notion that the Hebrew bible is THE defining book/revelation about god and his attributes upon which all of civilization depends.

* Ehud Barak offered to talk about the part of the Golan that Israel occupies, see http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/160832#.Vwa8BaQrLIV.

He made a serious offer to the Arabs to give them a West bank state. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Camp_David_Summit#The_negotiations.
He was rebuffed.

Israel could have taken the rest of the Golan and as much of Syria as it wanted at any time and it could overthrow Assad right now by, staging a military build upon the Golan which would force Assad to withdraw his foreign legions assisting Islamic State’s slow crushing of the Free Syrian Army in the south. http://aranews.net/2016/04/isis-militants-expel-syrian-rebels-key-town-daraa/

Assad is using ISIS as a cats paw against the US and its client (Assad’s southerly neighbouring family dictatorship in Hashemite Jordan. Assad and his russki condor legion are helping Israel by creating the possibility of a radical Sunni takeover of Jordan. The necons are doing nothing while the US is desperately trying to stop this, see https://news.vice.com/article/the-great-wall-of-jordan-how-the-us-wants-to-keep-the-islamic-state-out and ,https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/03/11/u-s-rocket-artillery-based-in-jordan-is-being-used-to-strike-islamic-state-targets-in-syria/

Jordan is an American client and no threat to Israel In fact the Jordan frontier is so safe it is where most Israeli women combat soldiers are stationed, see http://www.martin-van-creveld.com/?p=602

But Israel cannot keep Arabs in the west bank without full rights and they will rever be reconciled so it will go on . The mentionable option is withdrawal from the West Bank, see http://www.martin-van-creveld.com/?p=594

But there is another

http://www.martin-van-creveld.com/?p=433 Fueling the conflict are the Saudis who will oppose anything the Iranians support. Too cowardly to send in their own useless army, they are trying to get rid of Assad by heavily subsidizing his enemies.

With so many interests, native and foreign, involved, a way out does not seem in sight. Nor can the outcome be foreseen any more than that of the Thirty Years’ War could be four years after the beginning of the conflict, i.e. 1622. In fact there is good reason to believe that the hostilities have just begun. Additional players such as Lebanon and Jordan may well be drawn in. That in turn will almost certainly bring in Israel as well. Some right-wing Israelis, including several ministers, actually dream of such a scenario. They hope that the fall of the Hashemite Dynasty and the disintegration of Jordan will provide them with an opportunity to repeat the events of 1948 by throwing the Palestinians out of the West Bank and into Jordan.

It’s all shaping up nicely, but the abominable frackers have pushed the oil price down so low that the Saudis cannot dump oil without beggaring themselves as well as Iran. Nonetheless, cheap oil halting this was because Russia, Iran and the saudi run out of money will not end it. The war is due to internal forces in a country of over 20 million people, most of whom loath Assad the foreigner who killed their families. He can’t win, but he is willing to burn down the entire region if it comes to that. So Assad is Israel’s ally, and the people of the West’s. http://www.vdare.com/articles/is-population-transfer-the-solution-to-the-palestinian-problem-and-some-others

* I found the following explanation of the “real cause” of antisemitism by rabbi Ken Spiro @2:34 rather interesting:

But if we clear all those excuses aside and look at the real cause, we understand that basically what powers anti-Semitism throughout history is it’s a revolt, it’s a millennia-long revolt against this national historic mission of the Jewish people to bring certain values into the world.

This video motivated me to do a little more research on Jewish Pathways and rabbi Ken Spiro, so I decided to visit his webpage. I noticed he had listed a number of history courses and, for obvious reasons, #27, The Greek Empire, caught my eye. Here is an excerpt from that course:

In short, the Greeks introduced into human consciousness an idea which is going to come into play as one of the most powerful intellectual forces in modern history ― humanism. The human being is the center of all things. The human mind and its ability to understand and observe and comprehend things rationally is the be-all-and-end-all. That’s an idea which comes from the Greeks.

Above all, the Greeks thought that this was enlightenment, the highest level of civilization. They had a strong sense of destiny and believed that their culture was ordained to become the universal culture of humanity.

The Jews had a different vision. The Jews believed that a world united in the belief in one God and ascribing to one absolute standard of moral values ― including respect for life, peace, justice, and social responsibility for the weak and poor ― was the ultimate future of the human race.

This Jewish ideology was wedded to an extreme, uncompromising exclusivity of worship (as demanded by the belief in one God) and a complete intolerance of polytheistic religious beliefs or practices. There was only one God and so only one God could be worshipped, end of story.

To the Jews, human beings were created in the image of God. To the Greeks, gods were made in the image of human beings. To the Jews, the physical world was something to be perfected and elevated spiritually. To the Greeks the physical world was perfect. In short, to Greeks, what was beautiful was holy; to the Jews what was holy was beautiful.

Such disparate views [the Greeks stressed beauty; the Jews stressed holy] were bound to clash, sooner or later.


Now you’ll understand the significance of Gilad Atzmon’s quote:

“To beat terrorism is to depart from Jerusalem and return to Athens. Can we do that? Or must we emancipate ourselves, first?”

* This article is obvious Jew hating, biased drivel. The legal system is predicated on Jewish law. In your article you blamed all the ills of the world on Jews. The only agreements are from fellow Jew haters. Seriously, Holocaust myth? Are the tatooted arms and piles of bodies a myth, too? You can substitute out any of your characters for non Jewish characters and tell the same story. The reason Jewish people are successful is because they have been able to read longer than most groups of people. Jewish people value education and family. Twenty two percent of Israel is muslim this group has all the rights of all Israeli citizens. They are doctors, layers, teachers. They hold seats in the government. It’s sad that they are not more vocal as to the good life Israel has afforded them, especially the women. The only place that Moslem women have any sort of equality. Palestinians (which is a made up denomination) are taught to hate from the time they are born. Their text books are filled with hared and propaganda against the Jews. They store their missiles in schools and playgrounds, making it impossible for Israel to destroy them lest they harm any children. When is real takes any defensive posture to protect its citizens, they notify them as to the target so they can get out of harm’s way. Who does that?. Palastinians don’t value life. They kill indiscriminantly. A baby, a teacher, an old woman, all the same. Just look at any footage. Do you ever see any happiness, love, affection for their own people? Remember what Golda Meir said: “there will never be peace until the “Palestinians” love their children more than they hate the Jews.” One more thing. Have you looked at a current map of Israel? It’s all carved up into many, many sections designated as Palestinian. You article is just another sneaky scam to blame Jews for all the ills of the world single handedly and to make all non Jews so stupid as to allow all the jibberish you spouted to occur. Israel is not the enemy.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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