Category Archives: Israel

Benzi Gopstein, head of Lehava, calls to ban Christmas in the Holy Land: ‘Let us remove the vampires before they once again drink our blood.’

This guy doesn’t bother me any more than gentiles who call for their own countries to be free of Jews. The stronger you are in your particular identity, the more likely you are to be hostile to outsiders. That’s how … Continue reading

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Ricky Vaughn: Is the Golem of academia going to be the downfall of American Jewry?

John Schindler tweets: “Nice how our glorious civilization ended in an infinite discussion of which aggrieved group has greater privilege.” Daily Beast: This month, a student group at Brown University launched a petition to pressure Janet Mock into canceling her … Continue reading

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Watch Out, Jewish Students: The anti-Israel Movement Will Boycott You Next

From Haaretz: Recent events at Brown University reflect a frightening new stage to the BDS movement: targeting Jewish students and institutions that don’t explicitly distance themselves from Israel. Janet Mock was born in Honolulu in 1983 to an African-American father … Continue reading

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How’s Israel Doing Assimilating Its Muslims?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Israel’s Arab citizens (20% of its population; most of whom are Muslim) are much better integrated than French or Belgian Muslims. * Mondoweiss: Jews and Arabs don’t really mix much in Israel. They attend separate … Continue reading

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Making The Negev Bloom

Facebook: Who could imagine that one day the Negev Desert would ever be like this, such is the blessing of Hashem that after two thousand years of desert land today Israel is a nation blessed like the earth, Baruch Hashem! … Continue reading

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