Category Archives: Israel

Was Making The Holocaust Central To Jewish Identity A Good Thing?

Such a move would be great for one’s career, but was it good? Was it good for humanity? Was it good for the Jews? Nobody seems to ask these questions. They just take it for granted that making the Holocaust … Continue reading

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Are Orthodox Jews Pro-Trump?

Comment: “Are Orthodox Jewish conservatives immigration restrictionists? That is one aspect of my conservatism that I suspect would be unpopular in Orthodox Jewish settings as well as non-Orthodox Jewish settings.” Orthodox Jews care primarily about the welfare of Orthodox Jews. … Continue reading

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A Jew In Germany Can’t Root For Germany

Comment: A young, fashionable, rootless cosmopolitan from Russia who seems to be the media go-to girl in Berlin when it comes to questions of German identity: Ioulia Isserlis, in July 2014 telling the Times of Israel why she won’t be … Continue reading

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Talking Trump At A Shabbat Dinner

Comments at Steve Sailer: * At a “shabatt’ dinner i had with the Jewish half of my family, the topic of trump came up. Predictably, everyone at the table (except me, sitting silently) was denouncing him and saying how scary … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Learning from Israel: The Daley-Emanuel Plan for Chicago Population Transfers

Steve Sailer writes: I’ve often pointed out how Americans could learn a lot from studying the policies of Israel, a remarkably successful country. But most Americans aren’t very adept at noticing what Israel does, so the Israeli connection to recent … Continue reading

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