Category Archives: Israel

Fights Break Out At UCLA Israel Protests (4-28-24)

NBC News, KTLA, Reuters, CBS, and ABC 7.

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Iran Escalates – Attacks Israel Directly For The First Time (4-14-24)

01:00 Iran’s attack on Israel, NYT: Iran’s Strikes on Israel Open a Dangerous New Chapter for Old Rivals, Sam Vaknin: Iran’s Miscalculation, Israel’s Opportunity, What your phone charge level signals Prof. John Mearsheimer : Israel’s Dangerous Game., … Continue reading

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Iran Escalates – Attacks Israel Directly For The First Time

Yesterday Iran launched dozens of drones and missiles at the Jewish state that didn’t kill anyone (though 31 people were injured) because the weapons were slow and cheap and 99% of them were shot down. Iran apparently provided 72-hours advanced … Continue reading

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The United States Has Less Leverage Over Israel Than You Think

Harvard International Relations professor Stephen Walt writes in Foreign Policy Mar. 21, 2024: Biden’s critics assume that the United States has enormous leverage over this situation and that a firm word from the president—combined with threats to curtail or halt … Continue reading

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Let’s Go Gay For Gaza (3-17-24)

01:00 Gay for Gaza03:00 Israel Is Doing A Great Job Minimizing Civilian Casualties In Gaza, Israel-Hamas war: IDF eliminates 15 terrorists in 24 hours, amid Hamas aid attack, A WTF Moment in the Middle East (US Dock in … Continue reading

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