Category Archives: Israel

Mike, The Mad Dog & The Jews

I just watched the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary “Mike and the Mad Dog.” Forty minutes (commercial free) into the show, Robert Thompson, media expert, says: “There are a couple of stories in the Mike and the Mad Dog story … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘Netanyahu Invites Visegrad Eastern Europeans to Summit Next Year in Jerusalem’

Steve Sailer writes: Back in early 2014, I predicted that liberal Jews around the world would increasingly turn toward their old home culture of Germany for leadership, while nationalist Jews would look toward better ties with Eastern Europe. That’s more … Continue reading

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The Fascism Of Yaakov Moshe Harlap

In his fifth lecture on R. Yaakov Moshe Harlap, Marc Shapiro says: “His stress on the land of Israel…is not just super-Zionism but bordering on fascism. If you tell me that is the Jewish approach, then the Jewish approach is … Continue reading

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When Eichmann Met The Haganah

From episode five of the TV series Hitler’s Bodyguards: TV: “The Haganah made contact with Himmler’s SS to facilitate further Jewish immigration to Palestine… They eventually met in Cairo on November 10, 1937. The Haganah agent attempted to enlist Adolf … Continue reading

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Israel’s Not Terribly Corrupt

Comments at Steve Sailer: * According to Transparency International, Israel is ranked #28 on its corruption perceptions index, just above Poland and Portugal: It’s a credit to Israel’s institutions that it ranks that high, given that a lot of its … Continue reading

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