Category Archives: Israel

The Man Who Brought Down Ehud Ohlmert

Joe emails: Meet Morris/Moshe Talansky He splits his time between Woodmere, NY (the "Five" towns) and Wolfson Towers in Jerusalem.   Divorced   He is a major financier. here is one of his projects   … Continue reading

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Ben-Ami Kadish, American citizen (NJ), maintained contacts with Pollard’s handlers in the 80’s

He was arrested today (25 years later) for espionage… Haaretz reports: The new espionage affair revealed Tuesday is in fact an old story. Nothing in this fact, however, can reduce the gravity of damage it will cause Israel, nor lead … Continue reading

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Should Jews Welcome Christian Support For Israel?

By Jan Willem van der Hoeven of the International Christian Zionist Center: It is truly amazing how self-destructive some of the Jewish leaders are in their relationship to those who, as never before, want to stand at Israel’s side at … Continue reading

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The Third Temple: Israel’s Missing Link

Chaim Chlorfene writes: In the introduction to his book Ohr Hamikdash (Light of the Temple), Rabbi Moshe Luria, explains that the Torah, the Sabbath, and the Holy Temple are respectively the essence of Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge (Chachmah, Binah, and … Continue reading

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Obama’s Pastor:

Robert J. Avrech writes: Here’s Barak Obama’s religious adviser, whoops, excuse me, former religious adviser, former pastor, on Israel. Hey, when did Wright become Barak’s former pastor? Wow, that was fast. And where’s Wright? In Africa. That’s convenient. But Barak … Continue reading

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