Category Archives: Israel

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Says Women Can Lead Israel

From Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Shas’ spiritual leader, said last week that in principle, a woman could be the prime minister of Israel. The halachic ruling was given in response to a question sent to the rabbi, and clearly stated … Continue reading

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Jesse Jackson Predicts Obama Will Not Put Israel First

From the New York Post: PREPARE for a new America: That’s the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week. He promised "fundamental changes" in … Continue reading

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‘The Story of Rabbi Yehuda Amital’ by Elyashiv Reichner

Yair Sheleg writes: Over the years, Rabbi Yehuda Amital, head of the Har Etzion hesder yeshiva (where students combine compulsory military service with their Talmudic studies) in Alon Shvut, has become one of the rabbis that even secular Jews (including … Continue reading

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Living In Israel Weakens Faith?

Neta Sela writes: Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar has harsh words for Israeli society, particularly the ultra-Orthodox community, in regards to its treatment of Russian Jews who immigrated to Israel. In an interview to the European rabbinical publication ‘Hanaaseh Vehanishma’ … Continue reading

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An UnOrthodox Dip In The Mikveh

From the Jerusalem Post: The Orthodox establishment’s ban on non-Orthodox converts and brides using state-funded mikvaot (ritual baths) is a desecration of God’s name, Rabbi Barry Schlesinger, the newly reelected president of the Masorti (Conservative) Movement’s Rabbinical Assembly in Israel, … Continue reading

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