Category Archives: Israel

L.A.’s A-List Rabbis Visit Israel Together

The rabbis were back by Friday and I’m sure they all talked in their Sabbath sermons about their trip and how wonderfully ecumenical it was. The Los Angeles Times reports: The diversity and stature of the group made the visit … Continue reading

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LA Rabbis Spend Week In Israel

The Jerusalem Post reports: Many of the rabbis agree, however, that some of the most valuable moments of the trip happen between planned events, when they have a chance to meet and get to know one another on bus and … Continue reading

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How The Haredim Took Control In Israel

The Haredim have been yelling about the illegitimacy of Modern Orthodox conversions for many years. Only now do they have the political power to delegitimize such conversions. When the Mizrachi aka religious Zionists aka the Modern Orthodox in Israel opposed … Continue reading

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The Top Five Mizrachi Rabbis In Israel

What is Mizrachi? It is religious Zionism. Rav Mordecai Eliyahu would have to be number one. Then Haim Drukman, Yaakov Ariel, Aharon Lichtenstein, She’ar Yashuv Cohen (the Rav of Haifa and the son of the Nazir of Jerusalem David Cohen), … Continue reading

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Ariel Sharon’s Twilight Zone

Brian emails: Just wanted to send along Lynn Sherr’s piece in the Daily Beast today, Ariel Sharon’s Twilight Zone, which touches on the former prime minister’s current state.   An excerpt:   “There is a feeling of communication, of … Continue reading

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