Category Archives: Israel

Another Attempt To Fire Rav Haim Druckman

The Jerusalem Post reports Jan. 13, 2010: The Civil Service Authority wrote a letter this week calling on the Prime Minister’s Office to terminate Rabbi Haim Druckman as head of the National Conversion Authority, following the expiration of his contract … Continue reading

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Author George Gilder Speaks About His New Book ‘The Israel Test’

6 pm. Jan. 12. 2010. Skirball lobby. George Gilder paces nervously. A man promises to get him a cup of coffee. George walks off and drinks some cold water. “Now’s my chance,” I think. I summon my courage and I … Continue reading

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Shannon Orand’s Unusual Conversion

Here’s the Jewish Israel report. Here’s The Jerusalem Report. From The Jerusalem Post, it sounds like Rav Shmuel Eliyahu (Chief Rabbi of Safed and the son of the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Mordechai Eliyahu) is the main force … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Conversion, Guma Aguiar, Israel, Jewish Israel, Orthodoxy, R. Dov Lior, R. Haim Druckman, R. Leib Tropper, R. Rafi Ostroff, R. Shmuel Eliyahu, R. Tovia Singer, Shannon Orand | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shannon Orand’s Unusual Conversion

American Airline Security Checkers Seem As Dumb As Rocks

I always feel like I’m rubbing up against the bottom of America’s barrel when I go through security checks at an American airports. The people doing them appear bored and incompetent. They appear a lot dumber than any of their … Continue reading

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How The RCA Gave Away The Game To R. Shlomo Amar

Israel’s chief rabbis have traditionally divided up their duties — one would handle Beit Din (Jewish law court handling conversions, divorces, business disputes etc) stuff and the other would handle everything else including kashrut (Jewish dietary laws). Then, every five … Continue reading

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