Category Archives: Israel

My First Experience Of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

1:20 p.m. I change my shirt to the long-sleeved grey one. Then on with the blue jeans. I slop on some sun screen. I rub it all over my face and then around the back of my neck. Am I … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Am, Israel, Personal, Psychology, R. Adam Kligfeld | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on My First Experience Of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

May Israel Defend Itself?

As I walked around today in my yarmulke and tzitzit out, I knew that I’d get challenges about Israel killing ten people on that aid flotilla to Gaza. Non-Jews in my life were gentle but this was on their minds … Continue reading

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Voice Of The Powerless Blames The Jewish Lobby

Lila Shahani was profiled in the Los Angeles Times earlier this month: A woman who started a blog after a deadly typhoon is an unlikely voice of the powerless. Reporting from Seoul — Call her the accidental blogger, because Lila … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Israel’s Sharon-Induced Coma

It’s time for the Israeli government and the rational, patriotic Jewish citizens of Israel to awaken from their stuporous slumber and realize that Israel’s August, 2005, uprooting and forced withdrawal of Jewish residents from Gaza has been an unmitigated military, … Continue reading

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British Contempt For The Jewish State

Larry Miller writes: Touted as the fresh face of British politics after his strong performances in televised debates with Labor leader Gordon Brown and Conservative David Cameron, the Cambridge-educated Clegg is also the face of an increasingly undiplomatic British disdain … Continue reading

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