Category Archives: Israel

Who Wants To Ride A Wild Pony? I Prefer Sedate Ladies

Watch the whole show. Torah Talks Fan Page

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Sitting Shivah For Peace

David Suissa writes: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in his speech to the U.S. Congress on May 24, was like a battered fighter entering the final round of a championship bout. He knows his only chance to win is by a … Continue reading

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Because Israel Wants Peace, Israel Is Pushed To Make Concessions

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager talks to Elliot Abrams, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, about the Israeli/Palestinian crisis. They both estimate that about 70% of Palestinians oppose the existence of a Jewish state. Dennis: “Precisely … Continue reading

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30 Years Ago June 7, Israel Bombed Iraq’s Nuclear Reactor

Jason Maoz writes: Thirty years ago next week – shortly after 5:30 p.m. on June 7, 1981 – Israeli fighter jets flew undetected through hundreds of miles of Arab air space and rained fire from the skies over Baghdad, laying … Continue reading

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Tony Kushner Is No Mere Critic Of Israel

Jason Maoz writes: From the reaction of many on the liberal/left to the controversy over CUNY’s granting an honorary degree to playwright Tony Kushner, one sees yet again just how unremarkable and acceptible the most virulent views of Israel have … Continue reading

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