Category Archives: Israel

A Palestinian State

Stephen Steinlight emails: I recommend this piece. The truth, as anyone with even a smidgeon of historical knowledge of the conflict knows, is for the Palestinian leadership the goal has never been primarily a Palestinian state. The goal has been … Continue reading

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How Hatred Of Jews Prevents Peace In The Middle East

Stephen Steinlight emails: “Shall we cut to the chase? As this piece makes plain, peace between Israel and Muslims is impossible because the dispute isn’t about a “Palestinian state” or any of the sub issues repeated ad nauseam as the … Continue reading

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The Sickness Of Hating Israel

Stephen Steinlight emails: Hello, ALL, This letter by a non-Jewish Scottish professor of Islamic Studies is a powerful attack on the moral and intellectual idiocy of university students who vote to boycott “apartheid Israel.” This letter should be disseminated in … Continue reading

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Jerusalem Post Fires Larry Derfner For Justifying Terrorist Attack On Israelis

Larry Derfner is a far-left Israel-hating writer who has frequently contributed to the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles. How could an Israel-hater contribute to the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles? Because the Jewish Journal is a leftist publication and the … Continue reading

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War Is Sometimes The Answer

Rachel posts to FB: wonders about those who say “war is not the answer”, yet also sympathize with *terrorists* who attack innocent civilians, calling them “freedom fighters”. Isn’t that what soldiers in, say, Afghanistan and Iraq consider themselves – people … Continue reading

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