Category Archives: Israel

Is Israel A Racist State?

A caller to Dennis Prager’s radio show Friday said that Israel has more than a million Arab citizens while the Palestinian prime minister wants to establish a state with not one Jew allowed. Why isn’t this guy called a racist? … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Is Not Anti-Israel

On his radio show, Dennis Prager said Barack Obama is not anti-Israel. “He is a man of the left. Everything the left claims to stand for should make them the most powerful advocates of Israel in the world but it … Continue reading

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VIDEO: Zuhdi Jasser on how to separate mosque and state in the Arab Spring

Stephen Steinlight emails: See video. This is the courageous man all Americans, especially Americans who are Jews, need to support in the battle against the Jihadists within the United States. The fact is the “problem” we confront is Islam, classic … Continue reading

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Israel Important To American Voters

Stephen Steinlight emails: Thank God for the American people. Ordinary American Christians are Israel’s firewall. Politically correct Jews (at least the shrinking cohort that retains a scintilla of concern for Israel) and who enjoy caricaturing Evangelicals and other people of … Continue reading

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Who’s Isolated? Israel or Turkey?

Stephen Steinlight emails: An obstreperous Turkey aching for lost Ottoman glory led by the power-mad, dyspeptic and obnoxious big mouth Erdogan and his Islamist party fantasize about regional hegemony and see Israel as “isolated.” But who is really isolated? Take … Continue reading

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