Category Archives: Israel

Slate: Los Angeles Native Who Joined IDF After Birthright Israel Trip Killed in Gaza

Slate reports: The Associated Press reports this morning on the story of two Americans, 24-year-old Max Steinberg of California and 21-year-old Nissim Sean Carmeli of Texas, who were killed on Sunday in Gaza while fighting with the Israel Defense Forces … Continue reading

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Notes On Israel’s Gaza Incursion

Joe emails: Some notes on the ground action in gaza you will not get from the media: First. Read – the latest article hints to much of what I am saying. Note that he no longer calls the Palestinians … Continue reading

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Why Does Israel Protect Its Borders But America Doesn’t?

John Bennett writes for American Thinker: Many Western nations are restricting immigration because of popular anger at the unwelcome changes brought about by mass immigration.  America seems to be the rare country with the misfortune of having politicians who won’t … Continue reading

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So Why Doesn’t Australia Have Protests About Its High Cost Of Living?

In 2011, the main story in Israel were the social justice protests, aka the cost of living was too high. Australia’s cost of living is far higher than Israel’s. So why aren’t Australians taking to the streets? Because Australians and … Continue reading

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Is Former Australian PM Malcolm Fraser Crazy?

Australian Jewish News reports: CLAIMS from Malcom Fraser (pictured) that Israel deliberately bombed the USS Liberty in June 1967 is a “mad, demented conspiracy theory”, Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) national chairman Mark Leibler said this week. The former … Continue reading

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