Category Archives: Israel

The First Hasidic Rebbe To Visit Los Angeles Was The Baal HaTanya’s Grandson

I get more joy listening to these Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn lectures on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles than I get out of watching the baseball playoffs. In lecture one, the rabbi says: “I found a poster while … Continue reading

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Israel Has The Most Powerful Military In The Middle East

It’s not even close. Yet on today’s Dennis Prager radio show, Charles Krauthammer said that the Kansas City Royals, who haven’t been to the playoffs in 29 years, make the “Israelis look like over-dogs.” Israelies are the over-dogs in the … Continue reading

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The Jewish State

UCLA Psychology professor Patricia Marks Greenfield writes in the Washington Post: Israel is a full-fledged multiethnic, multireligious society, and it must provide equal legal and day-to-day treatment to all its citizens, no matter their ethnic or religious background. Unfortunately, this … Continue reading

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Ethiopians Struggle In Israel

Once you understand that the average Israeli Ethiopian IQ is around 63, all their problems become clear. Life is hard for almost everyone with IQs under 90. Ethiopian Jews are not Jewish by genes. They were taken in as “Jews” … Continue reading

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JTA: Amid declining Jewish caucus in Congress, rising concerns over communal influence

I thought we weren’t supposed to talk about Jewish influence? I thought that was a subject you could not discuss publicly? Why would Jewish numbers in Congress matter? If they do matter, then surely Jewish numbers in media, entertainment, banking, … Continue reading

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