Category Archives: Israel

How can you be a Somali-loving Minnesotan WASP pastor and embrace Israel?

A Jewish friend writes: Did the world screw up in recognizing a Jewish homeland – Israel – in 1948, or was it wise to do so, creating a place for 6,000,000 Jews to be who otherwise might be causing all … Continue reading

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R. Meir Kahane’s Final Book: Revolution Or Referendum

I searched, the website of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, for “Kahane” and found no results. Rabbi Kahane wrote: “There must be a police station in every Israeli Arab village if growing Arab nationalism is to be effectively countered.” These … Continue reading

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University Of Washington’s Simpson Center Puts Israel In The Dock

Edward Alexander writes: “In the modern world, the Jew has perpetually been on trial; still today the Jew is on trial, in the person of the Israeli – and this modern trial of the Jew, this trial which never ends, … Continue reading

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Jewish DNA

Rabbi Philip Lefkowitz writes: Dear Rep. Jan Schakowsky, I take strong exception to your actions regarding the recent historic and enthusiastically received speech of Prime Minister Netanyahu before a joint meeting of Congress. I was hopeful that in the aftermath … Continue reading

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Husband Of New Israel Fund Director Supports Boycotts Against Israel

Ronn Torosian writes: Owning a PR firm, I know a tad about spin. The New Israel Fund (NIF) is facing an intense campaign which challenges their donors, and exposes their true intentions – and they are responding. This weekend, Rachel … Continue reading

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