Category Archives: Race

Race & Intelligence

From InfoGalactic: The existence of a link between race and intelligence has been repeatedly observed by scientists, but remains extremely controversial. Research suggests that the average IQ score of East Asians is higher than that of Europeans, and the average … Continue reading

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Jews & Racism

An Orthodox Jewish friend says to me: “We’re not racists. We’re bigots. We prefer people who are part of Judaism to those outside of it.” Luke: “But if Jews are a race, which was how Jews were referred to a … Continue reading

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WP: In one corner of the law, minorities and women are often valued less

Washington Post: The 4-year old boy was mentally disabled, unable to speak in complete sentences and unable to play with other children because of his violent fits of hitting and biting. The decision facing one Brooklyn jury last year was … Continue reading

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LAT: How Airbnb is addressing its racial-bias problem

There’s not a hint in this article that discrimination is commonsense, that not all races and religions act equally, and that there may be practical reasons that people might not want to rent to members of groups with high crime … Continue reading

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Frequency of the word ‘Racism’ in NYT articles, chronologically


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