Category Archives: Race


* The closest I can find today to living out a Jane Austen novel is in Orthodox Judaism. Standards and in-group solidarity make life more exciting. * I’ve been watching the TV show Vikings and I am disturbed by the … Continue reading

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What About The Earnings Disparity Between Jews & Gentiles?

How long will our government stay silent about the shocking disparity? ‪It’s larger than the male-female earnings gap. Haaretz: “According to that survey, 46 percent of American Jews had household incomes of more than $100,000, and 12 percent take in … Continue reading

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Do IQ Differences Matter?

Linda Gottfredson writes: Life is complex, and complexity operates like a headwind that impedes progress more strongly for individuals lower on the IQ continuum. Everyone makes cognitive mistakes, but lower intelligence increases the risk of error. Take, for example, health … Continue reading

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Nature & Nurture

From comments to John Derbyshire: * Statistically speaking, if I am recalling correctly, differences in our personality and behavioral traits appear to be explained roughly one half genetically (i.e., our individual DNA profiles at conception), one quarter congenitally (i.e., our … Continue reading

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The Planet’s Racial Breakdown In 2011

According to projections: 4.5B Asians 4-4.5B Blacks 1B Whites 1B Hispanics * Haiti has ten 10,000 foreign NGOs but hours of Internet searching found maybe one or two that were doing anything related to family planning.

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