Category Archives: Race

What to Do When Your App Is Racist

Paul Ciotti: Andrew Marantz seems really pissed at the idea of SketchFactor, which he clearly thinks was almost blatantly racist. Okay fine. He may be right. (I wasn’t able to find it to test it). He’s even mad that the … Continue reading

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The Blog Chateau Heartiste Has Gone Hardcore Race Realist

Here are excerpts from the past few months: * “A large minority, perhaps a majority, of black Americans are incapable of civilized behavior to the standard of white norms without a strong pimp hand to keep them in line.” * … Continue reading

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Wesley Clark Wants To Put Dissidents Into Re-Education Camps

Comments to Jared Taylor: * A prominent Democrat, retired four star General Wesley Clark, thinks the FBI should identify “radicalized” Americans and toss them in re-education camps just like the communists. He said this on national television but no one … Continue reading

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Obama’s Plan To Desegregate America’s Suburbs

Stanley Kurtz writes: It’s difficult to say what’s more striking about President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation: its breathtaking radicalism, the refusal of the press to cover it, or its potential political ramifications. The danger AFFH poses to … Continue reading

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NYP: Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database

Paul Sperry writes: A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the … Continue reading

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