Category Archives: Christianity

America’s Surging Anti-Gentilism

There are times when some Jews find “Judeo-Christian” a useful term because it welds the much smaller Jewish population into a unity with the majority Christian culture but when incentives change so that it becomes more important to be aggrieved … Continue reading

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Where Does Judaism Differ From Christianity?

Dennis Prager writes: Ethical monotheism means two things: 1. There is one God from whom emanates one morality for all humanity. 2. God’s primary demand of people is that they act decently toward one another. If all people subscribed to … Continue reading

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How Do You Change Your Life?

There was a nasty guy I saw at Placer High School named Steve Pitman. He was a bully. I kept my distance. He scared me. A couple of years after I left high school, I ran into him again and … Continue reading

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Blood and Faith: Christianity in American White Nationalism

Here are some highlights from this new book: * We should then understand that Oliver’s critique of what he described as “quaint” patriotism and American conservatism was essentially pragmatic in relation to the survival of the white race. He was … Continue reading

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LAT: The profane origins of ‘Merry Christmas’

I wonder why the news media and the entertainment industry revel in trashing the sacredness of Christmas. Why are there incentives among our elites to trash the public observance of Christianity? A nation that does not have a sacred zone … Continue reading

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