Category Archives: Christianity

Rick Perry Looks And Sounds Like A Defeated Man

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “During the debate last night, Rick Perry looked and sounded like a defeated man. It’s hard to imagine the American people electing him president. At this time, it looks like Herman Cain … Continue reading

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Was Jesus The Savior?

On his radio show Sep. 23, 2011, Dennis Prager was asked if he had ever considered converting to Christianity. He replied: “From when I was in my early twenties and really began thinking about these issues, I did flirt with … Continue reading

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Who Attacked Us On 9/11?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Yesterday’s [media] was wall-to-wall 9/11 and appropriately so. What was missing from yesterday’s discussion was reference to who attacked us. It was as if New York Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. experienced a … Continue reading

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Rick Perry’s Day Of Prayer

Chaim Amalek emails: Mocking people for praying to God comes too easily for our cultural elites. Would they have dared mock Martin L. King for his public prayers to Jesus, or more recently, any of Obama’s pastors or an Imam? … Continue reading

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Is Suffering Good?

I’m reading the superb book Ayn Rand and the World She Made by Anne Conover Heller. Ayn Rand never liked to acknowledge that she was Jewish. Ayn considered herself an atheist and no part of the Jewish people. In 1940, … Continue reading

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