Category Archives: Blacks

Democrats Are The Black Party, Republicans Are The White Party

Steve Sailer writes: “The Democrats are turning into the Black Party. Like with the Oscars and 12 Years a Slave, once you go black you are never supposed to go back.” Comments to Steve Sailer: * Most black voters don’t … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Why Bernie’s Free Stuff Platform Won’t Carry South Carolina Blacks

Steve Sailer writes: In theory, Bernie Sanders’ platform of Free Stuff ought to appeal to black Democratic voters in South Carolina today. But in black politics, in both America and Africa, 19th Century European socialist logic doesn’t have much emotional … Continue reading

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Blacks Bury Bernie In South Carolina

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Another in the long line of warnings: true ethnic diversity is worst for Jews. * According to exit polls, Hillary won 84% of the black vote. Which isn’t surprising. Why would any black person vote … Continue reading

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‘Black Power Icon Nina Simone’

Listening to NPR this morning, I heard a promotion for a Netflix documentary on “black power icon Nina Simone.” I wonder if white power icons like David Duke would receive similarly respectful treatment? Why is black power beautiful but white … Continue reading

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Do Blacks & Asians Share Many Common Interests?

Steve Sailer writes: “The anti-white racism that the liberal establishment has been promoting increasingly in recent years serves to unify an electoral coalition that doesn’t otherwise have much in common unless it can be given an Emmanuel Goldstein to hate. … Continue reading

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