Blacks Bury Bernie In South Carolina

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Another in the long line of warnings: true ethnic diversity is worst for Jews.

* According to exit polls, Hillary won 84% of the black vote. Which isn’t surprising. Why would any black person vote for a 74 year old Jewish Guy from Vermont over Hillary Clinton (Mrs. First Black President)?

Blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities are going to vote for Hillary. Bernie never had a chance.

* It is probably good that the white millennials get to watch Bernie being taken out by the black vote. They need to learn early on where they stand in the Democrat’s coalition.

* Steve obviously remembers “Bridget loves Bernie” a TV sit-com about a Jewish boy and Catholic girl marriage in the 1970s.

IRC, it got canceled because Catholic and Jewish groups objected. Evidently, it was too radical for the 1970s. People were OK with a Black-white couple on The Jeffersons. but Jew/Gentile was just a bridge too far.

* Do blacks ever vote in non block-like fashion? I am always amazed at their disproportionate skewing in the general election. But in the democrat primary you’d think it might be closer to a 50-50 split. After all it pits two candidates who can’t bend over enough to get their vote. Yet even among two friendly democrat candidates they skew big time for one over the other.

* Some Jews may think they’re not white (Mike Wallace), and some Jews may think Jews and blacks have lots in common (Sarah Silverman), but to blacks Jews are the whitest whites of all. I think that’s part of what’s going on.

* “They supported her over Mr. Sanders by a 5-to-1 ratio, while he won the bulk of white voters, according to early exit polling.”

I love this outcome. I enjoy the prospect of white liberals coming to terms that there is no place for them in the Democratic Party.

* Odd that white nationalists and Jewish worldviews could be so similar and yet they are enemies. Narcissism of small differences indeed.

* Blacks can’t relate to white nerds at all. No respect for that.

All blacks want to grab the mic out of Bernie’s hand. That is their natural reaction to his lack of charisma.

Blacks can’t relate to Simon & Garfunkle. Not at all.

Highly charismatic white guys like Trump, Aaahnold Terminator, Stallone etc. may not get black votes but they get respect.

* Most American blacks dislike and distrust Jews. They’ll take a White Gentile over a Jew any day of the week.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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