Category Archives: Blacks

Blacks & Police

Comments at Steve Sailer: * As a LEO, it’s always interesting when you see what people think law enforcement is vs. What the reality is. For example, the idea every police officer is a sniper/marksman when the shit hits the … Continue reading

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‘Islam has NOTHING to do with terrorism, just like Micah Johnson had NOTHING to do with #BLM, you ignorant racists.’

* Micah Johnson: “I wanted to kill white people.” AG Lynch: “We may never know why you did this.” (Twitter)

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Don’t Underestimate Blacks & Muslims

Every people has unique gifts. In some things, whites on average are better than blacks. In other things, blacks, on average are better than whites. In other things, asians rule. In some areas, Ashkenazi Jews are best. Comments at Steve … Continue reading

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‘FBI Data: From 2005 to 2014, Black perpetrators accounted for 40% of U.S. police killings despite being only 13% of the population.’

Blacks and Muslims punch above their weight. Daily Wire: 5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks 1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 … Continue reading

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Do black lives matter to U.S. Jews, too?

We just had a massacre of cops in Dallas by a black power supporter. Which Jews supported this murderous organization? Brian Schaefer writes for Haaretz: Reexamining the relationship between American Jews and race over the last decades, Haaretz looks at … Continue reading

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