Category Archives: Blacks

Who Funds The Terrorist Group Black Lives Matter?

Comments: * For starters, if you want to put faces on these sawbucks, you need to consider the actual gazillionaires putting their money into actual organizations and individuals. They and their moneyfunnels are so numerous, esoteric, secretive, complicated, and protean, … Continue reading

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Three Shot On Facebook Live

Three men critically wounded in Virginia shooting captured on Facebook Live (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT)

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BLM supporters assault random white guy on Green Line Metro train

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The President’s Prejudices

Steve Sailer writes: Why do the human sciences record pervasive behavioral differences among racial groups, such as in violent-crime rates? One explanation is that these disparities originate in complex interactions between nature and nurture. But, of course, only dangerous extremists … Continue reading

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Black Lives Matter: ‘We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family’

Comments: * This Black Lives Matter stuff is so completely over the top ridiculous. The counter points are so calm, logical, and obvious. I’m actually sick of hearing them. I love this quote straight from the Black Lives Matter main … Continue reading

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