Black Lives Matter: ‘We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family’


* This Black Lives Matter stuff is so completely over the top ridiculous. The counter points are so calm, logical, and obvious. I’m actually sick of hearing them.

I love this quote straight from the Black Lives Matter main values web page:

“We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family”

That is just so nuts, it would horrify even the hard core leftists that I know.

Even some lifelong Democrats I know in NYC are absolutely horrified by de Blasio.

* Because the disruption of the “Western-prescribed nuclear family” has worked out so well for black people.

Then again, “disrupting” the “Western-prescribed nuclear family” would be an electoral benefit to the blue team, because, as we all know, from reading Steve Sailer all these years, the white cishet nuclear family and the ability to form them is directly and almost perfectly correlated with red team political success. I suspect Democrat partisan loyalty rather than black racial concern is the prime reason BLM lists that as a “value.”

* I’ve never met a black NYer who actually liked Giuliani. He was despised by black NYers long before 9/11. Any efforts of his administration to make black neighborhoods safer bore him zero goodwill.

* I looked at that webpage and was also surprised to learn that BLM was founded by three women: A daughter of Nigerian immigrants who grew up in Arizona, a black lesbian from LA who has a biracial transgender spouse, and another queer-identified black woman from LA with a strong interest in West African divination as practiced in Vodou and Santería.

With roots so far outside the traditional black American mainstream, it’s really surprising how much encouragement BLM has received from the media and establishment, especially considering that there’s been a national surge in black on black violence since it was handed the megaphone a couple of years ago. If the BLM leadership is as savvy and self-interested as they appear to be, I wouldn’t be surprised if they secretly plan on voting for Trump just to prolong their careers…

It’s especially ironic that one of the BLM founders is the child of Nigerian immigrants. Their black lives mattered… and that’s why they left Nigeria to come to the US where they knew they’d be safe! Does she miss the tribal violence? Is that what this is about?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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