Category Archives: Blacks

Lessons Of Ferguson

Comment: If you steal some cigarillos from a store, then don’t walk around holding them openly in your hand. If you do walk around holding them openly in your hand, then don’t walk in the middle of the street. If … Continue reading

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‘J’ouvert, the annual all-night musical street party that precedes the Caribbean Day Parade, is going to be heavily policed’

Comment: —–Violence “has hijacked the celebration of the Caribbean culture,” Adams said. “We want to free the community and that culture from that violence.”—– Take out the violence and what is left in Caribbean culture? It’s funny. Blacks hate cops. … Continue reading

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The Rise of Racial Alchemy

Robert Weissberg writes: Since the 1960s Washington has launched countless programs in what might be characterized as “racial alchemy” whose purpose is to make blacks nearly identical to whites in income, educational achievement, vocational status, being law abiding, eschewing welfare … Continue reading

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ESPN: Carmelo Anthony Bringing social discourse back into the conversation

Thank God for Carmelo Anthony bringing social discourse back into the conversation, whatever that means but I am sure it is good. More diversity right? J.A. Adande writes: For Anthony, there is no trace the steps of his journey, no … Continue reading

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NYT: Bratton, Who Shaped an Era in Policing, Tries to Navigate a Racial Divide

New York Times: As he signals the end of his tenure as New York City police commissioner, William J. Bratton is attempting perhaps his most difficult task: tackling mistrust between officers and minority communities. Good luck with that. There’s no … Continue reading

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