Category Archives: Blacks

Black Lives Matter & The Jewish State

There’s nothing in the Jewish tradition about an obligation to look after blacks just as there is nothing in the black tradition about an obligation to the Jewish state. Organized Jewry supported black civil rights, not because it had anything … Continue reading

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“Blacks Activists Don’t Ignore Crime”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * In other words, while “Black Activists Don’t Ignore Crime,” the national media, the Justice Department, and the Soros Foundation do ignore black activists who don’t ignore black on black crime the way their beloved Black … Continue reading

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Erin Aubry Kaplan: In the Black Lives Matter era, we need justice well beyond the legal sense

Erin Aubry Kaplan could pass for white: Married to a Jew, she might feel a need to increase her black cred, so she writes articles like this: In the era of Black Lives Matter, the stakes are high. Not to … Continue reading

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Black & Latino Journalists Can’t Stop Clapping For Hillary Clinton

REPORT: Hillary Clinton finally broke her 260-day long press conference moratorium Friday, and journalists couldn’t stop applauding her. As a rule of thumb, press conferences are not the place to applaud politicians. It’s supposed to be a forum where the … Continue reading

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Black Oberlin Professor Accused of Anti-Semitic Remarks Is Placed on Paid Leave

Why do so many blacks, Muslims and Arabs believe in conspiracy theories? For the same reason that many whites do — because it salves frustration with one’s status in life. Oberlin, a left-wing college, must have found it uncomfortable to … Continue reading

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