Category Archives: Blacks

‘I was second white’: Polish runner sorry for uproar over her claims she was ‘white silver medallist’ in Olympic 800m final won by Caster Semenya

Daily Mail: Polish runner Joanna Jozwik said she was true ‘silver medallist’ in Rio Added she was happy to be ‘second white’ after Canadian Melissa Bishop Her comments prompted by gender row over ‘hyperandrogenous’ runner Caster Semenya Jozwik apologised on … Continue reading

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‘Let’s choose our Jewishness over Whiteness this time. Let’s choose life.’

What’s going on in this piece? Is the rabbi a self-hating Jew? I don’t think so. I just think the rabbi puts his leftism above Judaism. There’s not much in Judaism about how Jews should try to influence public policy … Continue reading

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Video of Cory Booker (D-NJ) Dancing with Shmuley Boteach on His Back in a Clown Suit

It’s naive to expect that Jews and blacks will have a lot in common. They are about as different as two peoples can be. Sure, at times, they are both cooperating members of the Coalition of the Fringe and have … Continue reading

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Where Are the Black Rudy Giulianies?

Robert Weissberg writes: Reaction to the recent Milwaukee riot has followed a predictable script and for liberals this requires insisting that that blacks themselves are largely blameless for the “uprising.” But, even if liberals admit that some Milwaukee residents were … Continue reading

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Are Black Neighborhoods ‘Segregated’?

Steve Sailer writes: We’re always being told that white flight occurred because whites succumb to irrational Stereotypes about blacks being crime prone, so, logically, these black families are saving a bundle by living by in safe yet low rent neighborhoods. … Continue reading

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