Category Archives: Blacks

ESPN: “Baseball — It’s a White Man’s Game by Design”

Steve Sailer writes: …the Moneyball revolution has led to the hiring for front office jobs of a lot more guys who look like Jonah Hill than guys who look like Howard Bryant. But Mr. Bryant’s anger at all the Jonah … Continue reading

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When Alexander Hamilton High School (90035) Was Nice

In 1965, Hamilton High School was 60% white but the non-whites didn’t act disruptively. Then you had the Watts Riots in August of 1965 and the non-white kids at Hamilton took their cues from their elders and became increasingly violent … Continue reading

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Does This Make Me A Bad Jew?

A friend says: “I moved my restaurant seat from bar to table because I didn’t want to listen to an incoming shvartzeh couple chatter or have to suffer their attempts at engagement in conversation. Does that make me a bad … Continue reading

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DOJ Study Finds “Real And Nearly Unprecedented” Spike In Homicides Around U.S.

Zero Hedge: The New York Times recently compiled data from around the country and found there were nearly 6,700 homicides reported in the 100 largest cities in 2015, a YoY increase of 950 or roughly 17%, with nearly half of … Continue reading

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Why Can’t White People Let Go Of 9/11?

A Woman Is Being Harassed On Twitter For Her Thread On 9/11 And Black History (in part due 2 a possible Twitter bug) — Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) September 12, 2016 Blacks and whites have different histories, different interests, different … Continue reading

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