Category Archives: Blacks

Are Orthodox Jews ‘Rednecks’ In Their Attitude To Obama?

Canadian Orthodox rabbi Reuven Tradburks writes: The point of my article was only tangentially about Obama. It was more about the tone and texture of differences. Once a person is identified as not being on my team – because he … Continue reading

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It’s Too Easy To Condemn Modern Orthodox Racism

Gary Rosenblatt, the Modern Orthodox Editor of The Jewish Week in New York writes: Last Wednesday, the day after the elections, Elliot Prager, the principal of Moriah, a Modern Orthodox day school in Englewood, N.J., was approached by a 9-year-old … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Blacks, Gary Rosenblatt, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Race, The Jewish Week | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on It’s Too Easy To Condemn Modern Orthodox Racism

No More Excuses For Black Underachievement

Will all those leftists who call America a racist nation apologize now that Americans have elected Barack Obama president? I doubt it. From the WSJ: Barack Obama’s election as the first black U.S. president promises to usher in a new … Continue reading

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Gays Vs. Blacks

According to this thread, some gay protesters against the passage of Proposition 8 have been using the epithet "nigger." Blacks voted overwhelmingly to define marriage as between a man and a woman. Here’s more: (UPDATE Truth Wins Out’s Wayne Besen … Continue reading

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Thank You For Baracking My World

Chaim Amalek emails: We’ve been telling you to get back into the swing of things ever since you began cutting your genitals (and isn’t that how you became a Jew?) by kow-towing to the rabbis of LA. Moreover, it is … Continue reading

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