Category Archives: Blacks

Barack Obama Does Not Speak To White People With A Negro Dialect

Senate majority leader Harry Reid was right. Barack Obama is light-skinned (his mother is white, Obama is no more black than white) and Obama does not speak with a negro dialect unless he wants one. What’s the hubbub about? What’s … Continue reading

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Are There That Many Racists Out There?

Yes, I believe there are. I believe that about a quarter of non-black Americans do not like black people and that most of these people vote Republican. I think a significant reason for the amount of racist vitriol online is … Continue reading

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A Sweet Screw-You

Dennis Prager called Artur Davis’s comments "as sweet a screw-you as I’ve ever read." "We have to remember that line. That’s precious." From Democratic Rep. Artur Davis is the the only African American in Congress representing Alabama, and he … Continue reading

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On Dennis Prager’s radio show Oct. 22, Larry Elder said: "I never use the term African-American. It’s a term that is divisive. I’m an American. I was born and raised in Los Angeles… Obviously I have ancestors who come from … Continue reading

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Rabbi Nachum Shifren’s Message For Black America

Rabbi Shifren ( emails: It is clear that unless each of us realizes that if one of our citizens is being disadvantaged in this war for the transformation of our culture, then we all are losers. I can’t help but … Continue reading

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