Category Archives: Blacks

The Slave Mentality

The Ibn Ezra (medieval Jewish commentator) said that Moses would not have attracted the respect he did among the Israelies if he had grown up as one of them (instead he was raised in Pharoah’s court). In his 1995 lecture … Continue reading

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I Don’t See Anything Wrong With Dr. Laura’s Use Of The N-Word

She wasn’t putting anyone down. She was making the point that the word is ubiquitous among many black people, particularly black comics on HBO. I don’t think she should’ve apologized. Dr. Laura said: CALLER: Is it OK to say that … Continue reading

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Kosher Racism?

From a post on Frum Satire: Yesterday, my tichel clad wife took our son to the park. Even though it was about 5 or 6 pm-ish, there was a fair amount of kids still running around. My son began to … Continue reading

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Jackie Sherrod

Claire Spark writes on FB: “This was a very skillfull highly propagandistic speech that adroitly played the race card while pretending to be about reconciliation. It is a typical black nationalist demand for reparations. As propaganda: brilliant. She creates a … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘Only Blacks Have Leaders’

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager says: “The very idea of black leader, I find unpersuasive. Blacks have leaders but whites don’t have leaders. Hispanics don’t have leaders, asians don’t have leaders. Only blacks have leaders. Do you know … Continue reading

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