Category Archives: Blacks

Former NBA Star Larry Johnson Calls For An All-Black League

Can you imagine the furor if a white called for an all-white league but when a black calls for black separatism, that is treated respectfully. Why is it OK for Jews, Asians, Latinos and Blacks to segregate themselves but not … Continue reading

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When Will Whites And Blacks Discover Their Common Humanity?

In late 1991, Dennis Prager launched the Micah Center for Ethical Monotheism. He wrote then: The purpose of the activist educational center is to have “a place of activity” devoted to his life’s mission of spreading ethical monotheism through every … Continue reading

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I Don’t Want To Seem Racist, But…

I have a black acquaintance who I often see leaving a certain establishment with items that I do not believe are his. When I question him in my jocular tone about why he’s carrying away these goods, he betrays no … Continue reading

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White Oppression

Nicholas Kristof wrote from Zimbabwe for the New York Times Mar. 23, 2005: The hungry children and the families dying of AIDS here are gut-wrenching, but somehow what I find even more depressing is this: Many, many ordinary black Zimbabweans … Continue reading

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Basketball In Black & White

Dawkins on hoops in black and white Charley Rosen / Special to Darryl Dawkins has never worried about being politically correct. Ever since he made headlines in 1975 when he became the first schoolboy to be drafted into the … Continue reading

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