I have a black acquaintance who I often see leaving a certain establishment with items that I do not believe are his. When I question him in my jocular tone about why he’s carrying away these goods, he betrays no conscience and no concern. Instead, he makes excellent jokes. I don’t want to say anything to anyone else in case that would seem racist. And none of these items are mine.
A liberal Jewish friend says: “You should be ashamed of yourself.”
I should be ashamed for not speaking up about the theft or I should be ashamed for noticing the theft?
* My black rapper friend met a white girl at karaoke with great pipes. She wanted to get into the music industry. He had connections. He invited her to a party. He went out on the porch and smoked some herb. “There’s something you should know about me,” she said. “Oh no,” he said, “you’re a man.” “No,” she said, “I’m NYPD.” “The po-lice?” he said. “Oh no. I can’t take you around the music industry. Nobody will feel comfortable.”