Category Archives: Blacks

Is Martin Luther King A Great American Hero?

A friend wrote: While I was in Alabama (Hoover), I made a point to visit Brimingham and walk through the grounds/parks where the civil rights movement had so many moments. Dr. King called for non-violent civil disobedience, in refusing to … Continue reading

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Third NPR Program Aimed At Minorities Ended

I suspect that NPR overwhelmingly attracts white listeners, despite all of its efforts to the contrary. In Australia, the SBS channel, aimed at minorities, mainly attracts white viewers. Minorities prefer the prole feed, in Steve Sailer’s words. NPR reports: “Tell … Continue reading

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Nation Magazine Essay Shows America Has Tired Of School Desegregation

The Nation is a left-wing magazine and yet it has produced an even-handed look at the new racial segregation in schools, eliciting comments like this: I attended Malcolm X Elementary School in Berkeley, CA in the early ’70s. I’m white, … Continue reading

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Blacks Most Afflicted By HIV, Orientals Least

America’s race problems reflect similar problems around the world. According to “By race, blacks/African Americans face the most severe burden of HIV.” According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: HIV/AIDS has had a devastating impact on … Continue reading

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Jews, Blacks & Race

The things that Donald Sterling said about blacks are common. They go on all the time everywhere there are blacks. Generally speaking, blacks and Jews are at the opposite ends of the social spectrum as Jews tend to have high … Continue reading

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