Category Archives: Blacks

Should Schools Eject Disruptive Students?

Black educator Andre M. Perry writes in the Washington Post: The achievement gap for black children is not a sufficient reason to push underperformers out. (It’s no better, and no less preposterous, than another path to close the gap: stop … Continue reading

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Why Race Matters: Race Differences and What They Mean by Michael Levin

The New York Times reported in 1991: A Federal judge has ruled that City College of New York may not punish a professor for writing that “on average, blacks are significantly less intelligent than whites.” The professor, Dr. Michael Levin, … Continue reading

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Racial Differences In Personality

Richard Lynn is professor emeritus of psychology of the University of Ulster. This article is based on a longer paper published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, 2002, Vol. 32, pp.273-316. For as long as official statistics have been … Continue reading

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Why Is Islam So Strict?

Steve Sailer writes: I’ve often wondered if the reactionary strictness of Islamic family morals that irritates us sophisticated Westerners so much has something to do with Islam originating just north of the edge of the black world, with its high … Continue reading

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Asserting Your Group Identity

Jews have no problem building up the Jewish character of a neighborhood. They will refuse to sell their homes to non-Jews for instance as a tactic in increasing the number of Jews in an area. So why don’t whites do … Continue reading

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